[b][i]Accepting- 1 slot left, possibly a second opening up[/b][/i] The Island is a scifi rp I've been thinking about doing for a while. It's set around 100 years in the future and involves various types of future techs (quantum teleporters are fun), science experiments gone wrong (or horribly, horribly right), and an Island that, for all intents and purposes to the rest of the world, doesn't exist. [i]The Island was once a top secret testing facility for the UN, where genetic tests took place on humans- both willing and unwilling. The genetic mutations began to get out of hand. When subjects would procreate, new mutations or similar ones would show up in the children. Concerned with what they had done and it's unchecked continuation, the scientists and guards abandoned their posts and locked down the Island, abandoning their human lab rats to their fate. The year is 2163 and for the last eighty years, the Island has remained hidden from the world. The few who knew of it's existence have long since left and it has been forgotten, existing on no map. The former test subjects and their offspring have flourished within the surprising safety of their hideaway and built a grand and advanced society. Some even call the island New Atlantis. Now, however, many are beginning to grow restless and wish to reveal themselves to the world. An elite team of the best and brightest between the ages of 17 and 35 are now being gathered for an excursion to the outside world. Time is growing short for them to reveal themselves before they are found and present themselves as friends instead of something to be feared. The tests to select the team are beginning and the clock is counting down. Will they be found first and what will they find in the world beyond the heart of The Island?[/i] [b]Other stuff that got discussed in oldtower:[/b] The Island and the rest of the world are going to have rather distinct differences in technological advancement. First of all, the Island is freer to work on technologies and has the advantage of overall better mental capacity. The disadvantage is that the Island has had little reason to build a true weapons arsenal, though they did have a clear focus and purpose to build defensive and stealth technologies to hide themselves, but, as a general rule, The Island's tech is more advanced than the outside world's. They have incredible medical tech and have also developed teleporters capable of moving living forms, among other things. The outside world is basically divided in to three factions and their technologies have focused on building advanced nuclear weapons and defense systems and working on super-soldiers and the like. They have developed a few things like quantum teleport systems for weapon transfer and energy based weapons and amassed large stocks of them while working on improving them. This is one of their advantages over the Island. Their medical tech has advanced to incorporate what are, in essence, bacta tanks and nanotoch, and things like the flu and certain types of cancer have been nearly eradicated. At least, this is what I've had in mind. Feel free to shoot better ideas my way.