Chess kept a close eye on the team from a safe distance, it was dark but their own lights made them somewhat easier to identify form a distance. The two military types would be the most trouble, meaning he would have to be as convincing as possible for as long as possible. The other two were deckers or netrunners or something, nerds regardless he highly doubted they would be a problem, if anything they would be an asset. Deciding to not stay in the shadows too long he thought it best to make himself known, Chess slowly walked up to the group with his fake Arcsys identification card in hand. "Hey everyone, don't mean to startle you." He said slowly in his gravelly voice, he held up his badge with a photo of himself and the name 'Walter Sobchak' underneath it. "Names Walter, Arcsys sent me here to get a few small components and make sure the work they commissioned is intact on the ship." He paused briefly and let the ID dangle at the end of the lanyard around his neck. "I don't mean to be a bother but could I follow you folks around they didn't give me much to protect myself with and well shit thus place scares me." Chess finished, hoping that they would believe him, he just smiled dumbly and acted as innocent as possible.