[b]Vanguar[/b] [hider=Nation Status]Current Leader/Government: High Chief Skar Bloodwroth Settlements Owned: 4 Provinces Owned: 1 Population: 100 000 Standing Army: - /<900 Orcs>// - /<1, 500 Orcs>// Population Happiness: 45% Imports: Exports: Iron, Spice Wealth: Poor Alliances: None Trade Pacts: None Cease Fires: None [/hider] [center][b]An Orc Named Jup[/b] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/54357227/large.jpg[/img] [/center] Stryke's eyes kept forward as he sat upon his Warg, the beast panting despite the shade offered under the wooded glade. On either side of the general, sitting upon wargs of their own, was Haskeer and Calypso, each keeping their eyes forward in silence. Stryke looked around as mammals rooted through the leaves around them, paying little interest to the Orcs, confident of their ability to escape to the treetops should they pose a threat. This was the outskirts of the Marigold Forest, a great wood whose fingers extended just past the Vanguar border. A curious place to meet the envoy from Mordun given the proximity to Hightower, but the humans had trouble of their own, dealing with vicious quakes that have rocked the country. It was as if the gods themselves were striking out at the soft-skins. Calypso stirred upon his warg. "My eyes are not what they used to be. Tell me... Is someone coming?" Haskeer squinted up the straight road, where a lone figure emerged. "There is someone coming." "Can't be him," concluded Styke, motioning to the figure in the distance. "They ride alone. Another trader, most like." He looked over his shoulder, at the thirty Orc shale warriors he brought from Bloodwroth, standing at attention on either side of the road, the banner of Vanguar driven deep into the center of the road, a bloody claw before the desert sun. Stryke himself was dressed as if for battle, wearing black plate armour and a heavy axe slung across his back. It was important to establish his dominance over this envoy right away, and what better method then a show of intimidation. "Who does Chief Harrow send again?" Asked Stryke to Calypso. "His second son, given the name Jup." "What kind of name is Jup?" Cackled Haskeer. "It is said the Orcs hatch queer in Mordun," laughed Stryke. "No doubt the Mordun say the same of the Shale, or the Wycke, for that matter," said Calypso. Stryke sneered at the elder Orc. "Make no mistake, this Jup is our enemy until we learn more of the thoughts of Harrow. Should the Mordun prove rebels, I will have this Jup's head without a second thought. Is that clear?" "Clear as water." "Any word from my father?" Stryke asked. Calypso frowned and shook his head. While the humans use birds to quickly send messages across distances, Orcs have no such command over beasts, having to rely on messengers to speed words and news. "Any news from the other clans?" "It is as I said," began Calypso. "The Band of Goi'Orka is calling for revolt, claiming you and your father are playing favourites to the Mordun. Much the same is said in Dunland." "I dare them to rebel!" Snapped Stryke. "Such may just come to pass," warned Calypso, "depending on the progress of your father. I fear news of a defeat will only push the clans to rebellion." "The High Chief will not fail," said Haskeer confidently. "Do not be so sure," Calypso countered. "During the war against the humans and the Clans, Skar had the advantage of knowing the land, down to every last rock and root. Amplesh will be a mystery to him." "You speak blasphemy!" Haskeer sneered. "Silence!" Stryke snapped, his eyes keen upon the figure up the road. As the lone silhouette closed the distance between them, features had become discernible. Haskeer's jaw dropped, he slowly went for the hilt of his blade. "Is that... a human?" Calypso laughed. "You really ought to get out of the Shale more often, Master Haskeer." It was easy to see why Haskeer would mistake the figure for a human. The Orc was slight of frame and his skin a light brown, with long dark hair flowing down upon his shoulders. "The Orcs of Mordun are not bred for strength like us, but rather for speed." "But he rides a horse!" Haskeer pointed out. "Indeed," chimed Stryke. "I have heard tales that the Mordun folk prefer them over wargs." "Aye," said Calypso. "They favour the speed of the horse, over the strength and temperament of the Warg. This must be Jup." Stryke shook his head. "Can't be. He rides alone. The son of a chief would surely bring a posse at his heels." "Yes, that is curious," Calypso said. After a few moments, the Mordun Orc halted his horse before them giving a slight nod to his head. "Gods give you speed and strength, General Stryke. I am Jup of the Clan Mordun, son of Harrow." Even the Orc's thin voice sounded human. Stryke's warg grew restless and salivated at the sight of the horse, but the steed seemed unafraid, and held its head up proud. The lips of Jup curled up in a smile. "Quite the welcoming party you have arranged for me, General." Stryke immediately felt embarrassed for the empty show of strength he presented. That he would bring so many to a simple meeting while Jup brought only himself made him feel weak. "We are at war, Master Jup. We must be ready for the unexpected," he excused. Jup's smile persisted. "You needn't fret, General. My Mordun guards the north for you." Stryke cast a steel gaze upon the newcomer. "I do not fret, Mordun Orc!" "Oh no?" Jup tilted his head in either curiosity or mockery. "Perhaps you should. A little fear is no shameful thing." The Orc reached into a pouch upon his belt, pulling out a scroll and handing it to Stryke. "I fear I am the bearer of bad news. Our High Chief has suffered a defeat at the hands of the Amplesh Orcs." Stryke growled as he snatched the parchment. He unfurled the paper and scanned the runes inked upon it. "That is indeed Skar's seal," said Calypso, looking over Stryke's shoulder. The general passed the paper to the elder Orc, setting dark eyes upon Jup. Skar was defeated in open battle, losing near half of his forces. He now demands reinforcements from the Clans. Strykes blood boiled. His father would get no such army, what he would get is rebellion.