[Quote=Zeropathic] Are anyone fighting each other? I understand we're in a time of relative peace, but is there political tension between nations? Tension within nations? Border disputes? [/quote] No, not really. After the Lerayissian-Untuillian war most commonly referred to as The Fall(which happened 60 years prior to Yildeane’s uprising and subsequent death of the gods), all nations, kingdoms ect were dismantled within Lerayis instead becoming neutral regions who due to the way the borders were erected all had to work together to fuel the continent’s economy as well as feed their own people. There have been border disputes though only politically, generally though they are never acted upon due to the nature of the Euphian Armistice (a peace treaty) which is binding via blood magic. The Vigil is currently researching the nature of the treaty, to see whether it can be undone or what other laws are woven into it, as in this day and age most of what it says is archaic. Worsenth has often disputed its borders and name, still considering themselves apart of Vallake though officially “Western Vallake” is known as Worsenth. The native people of Worsenth are however the minority within the region. The reason it’s called Western Vallake on the thread is Saber kept forgetting to change it for me. [Quote=Zeropathic] Expanding on this, has (Eastern) Vallake in particular (or its friends, for that matter) been involved in recent skirmishing or warfare?[/quote] The most skirmishes that Worsenth has been in have been with the tribes of the Hattavori and some groups of Vallake, though nothing like an actual war. It’s mostly just keeping what they consider barbarians at bay. [Quote=Zeropathic] Is Vallake, both eastern and western, united? Or are they separate countries? How is Vallake ruled?[/quote] As I previously stated Western and Eastern Vallake are two different regions, Western Vallake known legally as Worsenth (I will hit Saber I swear for this) so they are separate entities in the eyes of governments and law. Vallake currently has no government, as it’s mostly abandoned; the few towns and such that exist for trade generally are controlled by the Vigil and its council. Worsenth is ruled by a council of 13, generally chosen from respected leaders of each district and one to represent the nomadic tribes. One of these thirteen is chosen to represent the region at meetings and in front of the Vigil, a figurehead you could say. This system they adopted from the Vallakien’s previous government, most places follow a similar procedure though this isn’t purely democratic as often those of elite status and money get their way in(like in real life). [Quote=Zeropathic] Does Vallake have aristocracy? Does it have a tradition of knighthood?[/quote] Both were essentially eliminated by the Euphian Armistice, though the Vigil has a system that mirrors it. Allowing for aristocracy and knighthood. [Quote=Zeropathic]How much am I allowed to make up for my character's background story?[/quote] We try giving as much freedom as possible but given the fact we’ve fleshed out this world so much, there are some limits. Mostly for this time period, remember it’s not medieval and more leaning toward Industrial. [Quote=Zeropathic]Can you tell more about the Yildeanic faith? How is Yildeane worshipped: are there houses of prayer, like churches and temples? I get the impression that people are encouraged to rely on their own strength of mind and body to overcome difficulty, rather than pray for a miracle. Is this correct? Could you expand a little upon the core principles of the faith?[/quote] People worship Yildeane in their own way, outside of worshipping grounds. Inside these temples & monasteries, there are several ritualistic practices that are intended to unify those of the Faith; they include burning several types of incense, as on offering to the Lady, prayers and the telling of stories from Lerayissian history. If a community is able, they sacrifice a mage on each full moon...failing this, they sacrifice an aberrant creature or something else believed to be touched by magic. While this isn't expected to accomplish anything, as most know that prayers are rarely answered by the Lady, it is symbolic of her success against the Gods. The core of the faith is simple; the Gods are the source of all woe in the mortal tapestry. While this does not encompass the entirety of the faith, which has little else in the way of expected behaviors, it is a mainstay that is respected by all those who are faithful. There are three tenents that are present in each community that worships Yildeane (put forth by Vigil, where other tenants can be added at the discretion of the local clergy):They are to oppose the Gods at every turn, to show & cultivate strength of the body and mind, and lastly to unify humanity to help conquer Vysold & beyond. The monasteries hold the priest & knighthood, the priests & priestesses make up the majority of the Vigil and its council. Their members preform rituals and are often sent out across Lerayis to spread Yildeane’s word, and to help their fellow brethren. Those of the knighthood are far more active, not relying on words but on steel. The knights would be chosen by Vigil, usually for practical purposes and given to an area. Whatever area they're given to would be their new home and they'd become a member of that area's military often overseeing & approving the military’s work in the name of the Vigil. [Quote=Zeropathic]Why and when was Besirioth abandoned? There's an awful lot of info for an empty city and little about why it was emptied.[/quote] The Godwastes once were a land covered in mountains; the Gods did not die peacefully. The very mortal tapestry’s core shock, Besirioth is a city that was built underground and the earthquakes that raged during Vysold’s death caved in many parts of the city. Its foundation was cracked, the systems to keep the city livable all decayed with their deaths. It was a nightmare for Besirioth, those who could escape did. Now, even if one had the nerves to try reclaiming the city from the Gods’ wrath, vile creatures have taken root there. It’s a testimony to what Lerayis once was; it was the center of the world during Yildeane’s time. The richest city within Lerayis. A thing of pride. It shows how merciless the Gods are. In other words, it has plot relevance. We have many plans for what will happen as the roleplay develops; Besirioth will be a part of a very important arc.