A little bit of teamwork and a fair amount of effort found the Dwarf up and standing again in no time. Charon waited for him to regain his senses, “I thank you Keeper, I did not land in that predicament, it landed on me,” The Dwarf eventually said, extending his hand to the Keeper. “Arnack of the Slayers, we fight for much the same thing in different ways.” “So it would seem.” Charon laughed quietly to himself, “Charon, of the Keepers.” He replied, taking the dwarf’s hand and giving him a firm shake. So far the Keeper rather enjoyed the dwarf’s endearing nature, and it was certainly good to have a Slayer onboard. Not only were there motivations usually pure and right-hearted but also Charon had seen first hand the kind of battle prowess that they held. “I have a feeling there is a great deal of battle ahead of us. I am glad to have another man fighting for the right reasons amongst us.” He said before turning his attention back to the rest of the party for a moment. It seemed like a fair number of the party were mostly concerned with figuring out what was going on with the Faarg. Once their apparent leader had made it to his feet however, he simply shrugged off all that had just happened without another thought. He then wasted no time in attempting to rally the party before taking off towards wherever it was that giants lay. Whatever that meant. Most of the party seemed like they were at least planning to follow along though, which was definitely a good sign. The Alunei was still on the ground however, having been abandoned by the two latecomers even after the healer had just tended to them. Despite her efforts to care for others, she was still in pretty bad shape from whatever wounds she had suffered before arriving. What a fool she was, Charon mused. An admirable and kindhearted fool, but a fool nonetheless. “Go on ahead and I will catch up with you and the others in a moment.” The Keeper said to the Dwarf, already taking off in the Alunei’s direction. “You, Alunei.” Charon began. His tone betrayed no harshness, and yet it offered no sympathy. “You have been called upon by the gods themselves to aid this party in our quest. From what we’ve all seen so far I am certain that our journey will be extremely dangerous, and we are going to need the best healer we can get. To fill this role, the gods have chosen you. However, we do not have time to waste on a poor, naïve damsel in distress. That is what they see in you now.” He said, pointing to the other party members. Though his words had been cold, his voice had remained warm, the intent in his speech not being to hurt the girl but merely to expose the truth as it related to the state of things. “That is not what you are. As an Alunei you are a beacon of hope and goodwill, and a stalwart shield, which stands against despair and wickedness. In order for you to take on this role, you will need to be both determined and strong. There is no time for rest now, despite your injuries, you must stand.” As Charon finished, he extended a hand down to the young Alunei, “Come on, I will help you reach the nearest town, where you can visit a doctor.”