"Well I have a suggestion" The PMC guy finally spoke " Lets not get killed so if everyone hasn't noticed that were in a ship?" "diamond formation, I disagree, your too close that any explosive would kill everyone, fire team wedge - stick to the basics" "You Sobchak, your an engineer, you stand 10 meters back from the point man, your job is to open doors, block doors and provide power. " " Col you or your compatriot can take point man position or rear guard, I don't care" " you two that can jack in stay in the middle but keep your eyes peeled from both left and right sides. Stay 10 meters from each other" " I'll be near the center for command and control unless anyone has objections" "Have either of you two netrunners, login yet?" " Mr Sobchak, can you make sure that we have power and anything else that they need, please" " You two military types... can I get some security set up right now, like a 180, please?" "We have less then 20 mikes to figure this shit out..." Turning to the R.O.B.E.R.T. unit " If its not to much to ask... mind running up about 2k meters and let us know what is past the hanger?"