Mad. They were all certain degrees of crazy, weren't they? And for them all, as the air chilled, growing stagnant, Eclaire could only feel sorry for them all. The leader of the terrorists was greedy, and yet straying, clearly not the root that had caused it all. There was someone behind all this, a person who supported and influenced the man and his cronies. His face was scarred, now that she could get a better look at his face. How was it scarred? What had happened in his past? What was the reason of his hate for Connectors? She wanted to speak, but she couldn't. She only watched, as a bystander valiantly went between the stripping police officer and the misguided gunman, the sound of metal sliding against metal, before the gun was cut in half. Metal parts tumbled and fell on the ground, and in an instant, all guns were pointed at the swordsman. Yet there was no order to execute him, and Eclaire's clasped hands gripped over her cross even harder, as the gunman went on to make his demands clear. Ten million dollars. Truly a...pitiful amount. A sad smile encroached her face, as she watched the one-sided exchange. Was that truly all? Ten million for all the humans who staged this hostage situation? The price of their life, in case they pressed the detonator? Was ten million dollars worth enough to them that they were fine with eternal damnation? Who provided them with the arms? Who forced them along this path? [i]Who is the serpent here?[/i] The situation escalated, and Eclaire, involuntarily, trembled. The cross hidden in her hands was hot, a familiar, yet painful sensation of burning enveloping her hands. It was a pain that kept her focused though. The air chilled further, faint traces of frost developing on blades of grass. A sniper, one with range that reached kilometers, made his presence known, instantly shifting the battle into the favour of the normal humans. One bullet shattered the blade of the swordsman. Another bullet buried itself in the Tsurara police officer's chest, just as she began to incapacitate the gunmen. A wave of energy pulsed outwards, immobilizing them even further, as the leader began to run away. A Connector who must once have been a hostage willingly joined the fray, and with a knife, began to systematically slaughter them all. Blood covered ice, as shots were fired, flesh was cut, and corpses were made. And there stood Eclaire, amongst all the chaos, her blue eyes wide as drops of blood sprayed upwards like blood petals, splattering. People were dying, weren't they. The innocent, the guilty, and those killed using the justification of retribution. There were no true demons here. Only humans. She wanted to stop this, somehow, but she didn't. She should be running. It would be easier to forget about all her ideals, and just ignore this all. This wasn't school, anyways. Right now, she was alone, and in this situation, anyone would forgive her if she chose to preserve her life first. [i]But is this what you truly want, little maiden?[/i] The familiar voice of Artemis echoed in the back of her mind, the strong soprano breaking her out of her self-depreciating thoughts. [i]What is in front of you are not beasts, Eclaire.[/i] Yes, she was aware of that, but wasn't like she was breaking up a fight between two delinquents. They were armed gunsmen, and she was a girl who only barely passed the physical examinations at school. If they started shooting, she definitely wouldn't be dodging. [i]Trust in those around you, Eclaire. And if you don't, trust me.[/i] But what's she even supposed to say? She didn't have time to prepare a speech, and she was never a spontaneous person who could spout out dramatic, heart-changing words in the spur of the moment. Everything she did in the past was due to preparation and rehearsals. [i]Don't worry, I'll provide you with the words. Just vocalize it.[/i] But... [i]No buts, Eclaire. You know what you want to do, so, in the end, all that's required is for you to do it, right?[/i] The girl stood up, slowly. Butterflies were tumbling madly in her stomach, and she repressed the instinct of pressing her hands against it. A bullet whizzed by her shoulder, striking and shattering the surface of the tree. In the palm of her hands rested the Light of Revelations, but all she felt at the moment was the clammy dampness of her fingers. Cold. It was getting really cold now. Her skin was paler than normal, and when she exhaled, a mist could be seen. How long was it since she had started charging? Three minutes? Four? Five? What should she do? And then, from behind, for a moment, she could feel the embrace of the Goddess, warming her from the core, the slim arms of Artemis wrapped around her body. [i]A little bit of courage is all the magic you need.[/i] Yes. In this situation, she did not need the Spear of Judgement. Before the Connectors were revealed in the world, what moved the world, what influenced the hearts of millions, was the power to communicate. The voice of an individual. Eclaire stopped trembling. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them once more, they were red. The red of the Goddess Artemis, the Moon-Huntress. The heavens parted, and a spear of light, eight-meters in diameter, fell vertically. With a thunderous roar, it struck the ground, just a few meters in front of Marcus, leaving an unfathomable hole where the road once was. Following that was the dispersion of the light itself, filling the park with a thousand moonbeams. A gentle warmth followed, as all those beams of light reflected off the ice and frost, creating a spectacle of sparkling mist. And from that mist, one girl removed the light jacket she wore, so that the only piece of clothing on her was a long, white dress. The backlight of shimmering crystals gave her silvery hair a soft glow. The shine of the icy mist gave her pale skin a luster. The flare of her red eyes gave her an aura of divine command. And then, the voice of a child, unburdened by the twisted reality of this world, filled with ideals and hope, cut through the park. [b]“Children of the Lord, what is the meaning of this conflict?” “My brothers, is ten million dollars truly the price that you would sell your soul for? Is ten million something that you would give your life for? If you died so that your family and friends would get a share of ten million dollars stained with your blood, as well as the blood of those whose only sin was to be born as a Connector, is that something that'll make them happy? Do you underestimate the magic of Connectors that much, to believe that you'll be able to live a single day in peace, forever hunted by the Tsurara Police Force? We all share the same blood, so why do you shed this blood for something as unstable, as material, as cash? There is no guarantee that you'll come out of this alive. I'll ask you again. Do you believe that a share of ten million dollars is something that's worth your life? The tears of your families? The sorrow of your friends? Your life is not simply your own! It's not only the dead who have regrets! Before you throw your lives away, think about those around you! Those who you've met in the past, meet in the present, and will meet in the future! Your path now may be unclear, but I'm sure that, one day, in the future, you'll find your place in this world! A place that you'll never find if you ruin it by following through with your current actions!” “And my brethren, have you already fallen into corruption with the extent of your powers? Do you prescribe by the concept that 'might makes right'? Do you believe that Connectors are the superior race, and thus, normal humans can be ignored? Can be killed? Slaughtered like sheep? Their demands ignored? What happened to times where negotiations were made, instead of marching in proudly and demanding that they put away their arms? When has such a bold statement ever worked on a Connector criminal? Connectors and non-Connectors aren't different races! We're the same species, created in the image of the same God! Our only difference comes from our values and beliefs, but those can only be communicated through words, not blood shed. Before you're all so ready to take up arms and end lives, remember that we all have loved ones and family. They may be expressing their discontent about the world in the wrong way, but considering how many of them there are, maybe we should hear them out. Yes, Connectors are strong, but pride in such strength is the poison that will isolate us from the vast majority of humans who aren't Connectors.”[/b] Her face was flushed now, and she wasn't even sure what was spewing out of her mouth, before she turned to face the terrorists once more, and extended a hand outwards to them. A hand that held a burn scar in the shape of a cross. [b]“Before you wield arms, is it not better if we communicated? After all, we're all humans, speaking the same language, living in the same world, with people whom we hold precious. And if you choose this route, I, Eclaire Lachapelle, swear by my God, my Spirit, and my family name to insure that you will all get a fair judgement, and all your voices shall be heard.” “So please, put your trust in me, and I shall to do the same towards you.”[/b] And, as the afternoon sky reddened, the girl smiled, a saint-like smile full of acceptance, mercy, and purity. It felt safe, to be in the embrace of Artemis. [i]Well done, Eclaire.[/i]