~BOING!!!~ Urshums~^-^!! K, so I'mma work on a charrie then. Thanks ya! ;D ~Edz!~ K, so here she is. Just lemme know what to change for her to be accepted, k?^^ ------ [hider=Spry~~<3!!][b][u]Character Name:[/b][/u] [i]'Spry'[/i][indent] ~Hello, loverlies... ahhh come now. Y'know me. I'm [i]Spry Bubble Seed of the Ashbana Orchard![/i] [/indent] [b][u]Race:[/b][/u] Faerie[indent] ~I smell like silver tip moon blossoms! Silly thing! But of course I am but a Faerie. An Ashbana fae, I am![/indent] [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 151[indent] ~Just a breath into a grown faerie, am I! My wings are fully bloomed now![/indent] [b][u]Likes:[/b][/u][indent] ~Lively songs and music that cannot help but make them dance and sway! ~Oh, and y'know I fancy the drink as always! ~Ohhhh and the girls... I loves their kisses and their warm bodies... oh, but how they make my heart flutter stronger than me wings. ~Oh, and insects! They are soooooooo pretty... and they taste wonderful as well! Yummy! ~And trinkets... oh but I had to learn that 'gift claims' was not acceptable in this society, but still, so loverly are th'leaves and strings of insect wings and shells in me hair. [/indent] [b][u]Dislikes:[/b][/u][indent] ~Sad and long faces... breaks me heart, it does. ~That red liquid that spills from the humans... such a dreadful sight and smell too! ~Aye, and the quiet, I do not enjoy it! Makes me wings buzz with nervousness. ~Hmmm... oh! Iron! It makes me break out in rashes! ~And those little panic attacks I get... I really can be shy, I can, but hey, I have a business to run and customers to chat with and keep all happy...![/indent] [b][u]Role[/b][/u]: “Summerblooms By Night” Tavern Manager and Mistress Brewer[indent] ~We make the finest Summerbloom Ales! Y'know we do! 'Tis why we have the name painted above our door. I run [i]'Summerblooms By Night!'[/i] Aye, sillies! The building does have a second name! But only during the nights as the name states. During the day, me best mate runs the restaurant till dark falls and then I take over when the amber begins to flow much more freely and much more often. And rest assured all drinks are 'quality checked' by yours truly... hahahah... [/indent] [b][u]Bio:[/b][/u] [indent] ~Far from here, in the Ashbana Orchard, right near smack in the middle, from the second largest branch of the second oldest tree, fifth bud from the end, I was born from a silver tip moon blossom. Aye. That was me. Oh, y'know how it is... an Ashbana Fae through and through. Mixing drink, dance and song with each festival, greeting each of the seasons with the others of the Court, meddling in mortal matters and being the best brewers in all the land. Aye. That. A faerie's life it was for me! But unlike me siblings, me folks, me extendeds and me Gran, I was the quietest of them all. Oh, but an Ashbana, I am, and I do love me a spout of noise as much as the next Ashbana, but unlike them, I was the shiest of them all. It took me some get-going to get loud and boisterous like them! And they would poke and prod at me to be more out there, but 'twas in good fun, aye it was. I wasn't really quiet for the reasons they thought. Nay, they dint know. Nary a one... I was different. Unlike me siblings, me folks, me extendeds and me Gran, I was the one that brought them most shame. They said it was 'shyness'... but mortals, humans however, they call it somethings quite different. They call it 'being in the closet.' I still get panic attacks to this very day because of that internal shame and hidden embarrassment. I knew it would never hurt them and they would come to grips with it rather quick, but still... I just... I just could not keep from being shy. I could not help but hide in that closet. No one knew except, Dotty. I told her everything. She was my spotted pet BubEyed flyer. I miss flying with her and catching insects together... oh, Dotty... But enough of that! Enough, I say. For that was in the past. I am over it, and Pish and Potty to those that would hate me for trying to love up on a loverly female. There is much more life than to dwell and wallow in regrets. Like say for instance, what happened to our home. [i]'Oh, Spry Bubble Seed, oh do tell... what happened to your home Orchard...?'[/i] Oh! Well glad of ye t'ask! Humans. That's what happened. They knew we could not defend ourselves. Well aye, we do have our magics and like any Ashbana fae, we shape the waters! And me... well, I do create and shape water... but me...? Well, I also go a bit further than just that... I do make the ice for the tavern afterall y'know... And so I used me ice magics against the human workers. Actually just one. His name was Feldon. Jonnie Feldon. A big brute of a mortal. But a big brute with family nonetheless. And oh but he loved them, he did. And I took them away from him... but the other way around in reality, is it not...? Aye, 'tis. Our people had spoken with the humans. And believe it or not, they backed down. Our grown and elder Ashbana fae came to an agreement with their grown and elder humans, and they backed away. They did not take our Orchard. They took the land around it, but left our sacred groves alone. Oh, how I wished I had known that before I acted. I swear I wish I had known that before I froze his heart. I swear, I so dearly wish I could go back in time and erase that all, I do. His chest shattered open when he collapsed and crashed to ground... His name was Feldon. Jonnie Feldon. As so now here I am. Banished. Never to return to me siblings, me folks, me extendeds and me Gran. I wandered and flew as far as my wings would take me and found this place. Erihurst. They took me in with open arms. It was with me soon-to-be best mate that I found peace here. We hit it off and soon enough we were building and fixing up the business. Our business. Me mate's restaurant by day and me [i]Summerblooms By Night.[/i] Aye, y'know me. I'm happy. I am settled here and settled in my fate being sealed. I will always try to keep ya merry and keep yer stein filled! Always! Oh and y'know I will chase anything with loverly ladies parts, I will! But... that being said... I will always remember that dark spot upon me heart. So if I pause or falter for the moment, oh forgive me, but the moment will pass and the same ol' Spry will return. Just know that in that moment, I am saying hi to me old home. I'm an Ashbana afterall. Aye! And being such a fae, I will always try to repair a misgiving. And so here I am. Far from there, I will remember and I will make it up to my Ashbana family and to the Feldon family by pouring upon the lot o' ye the loverly happiness I should have have provided them. I love my old family still and loves 'em somethings fierce. But I have a new family here now. And I loves ya, all o' ya somethings fierce too, Erihurst, I do. Aye, do I ever. [/indent] [u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u][indent] ~I look like any other Ashbana faerie, sillies! I've silver hair that flows beyond me shoulders and ne'er complete without trinkets, baubles, ribbons or some kinda' flora tied up in it!I always tie it up when working or when I'm about to take flight. I've aquarmarine eyes, big ones, with some golden flecks in them and dark long lashes. I've a button-like nose and small but full pink lips filling in the rest of my heart shaped face. Oh! And a point at the top of both me ears too. My skin is quite pale and sometimes when the sun or moonlight hits it just right you'll see me [i]sparklings.[/i] Urmmm... [i]freckles![/i] That's kinda' the human equivalent, but Ashbana faeries 'freckles' sparkle and shine. I'm shorter than a human female... I say I'd my nose would come up to her mortal shoulder, but my body is closer to their younger ones not yet fully developed... teenies...? Aye, I think they call them that. Small breasts, slender, and not as curvaceous as a grown human female. Though, I do smell of flowers and I have a heavily accented soft-spoken voice. But I can be loud enough if need be as ye already've heard I'm sure. Hahahahah... I do wear hats from time to time since it seems to be the fashion here; not a big fan, I must say. But I do like the gowns found here in Erihurst, oh but I doooooo!!!! I must have them altered to backless designs because, silly things, I do have wings! Transparent butterfly ones! But I do not like the foot wear. I especially do not like their things called boots! Nay! But I will wear their stockings even though I prefer to feel the earth neath my bare feet but... oooohhh I do enjoy the sight of their loverly striped ones, I do! I don't wear much by way of jewelry; gets caught on things when I work.Oh but I do own a single piece of jewelry fashioned for me here, to remind me of the Orchard! It is of Dotty, me spotted BubEyed flyer back home. It is a pendant and I do love it so. I know I can shape almost anything I like if it's made of water, and then just freeze it and wear it; a bit of natural resistance to cold comes in handy. But like me memories of family, heart and home, this pendant will never melt and fade away. Ever. [/indent][/hider] [centre][img=http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/Spry_zps0623e2df.jpg] Pssst... ~BOING!!!~ ;D Oh, I meant: llama![/centre]