[b]Rose felt her cheeks warm up as Fenrir drowsily ran his mouth, almost accusing her of just being a dream. Did he think so highly of her? She didn't understand how he would possibly assume that, so she quickly wrote off his words as the fabrication of sleepiness & opened the guest room door a little bit more, edging just a little bit closer. Rose may not know her husband was Lycan yet, but she still felt a lttle uneasy; he was a huge man. Fenrir made Willow's guest room look like it was made for a child, his hands & feet extending over the edges of the mattress as he slept. When he sat up & let his feet touch the floor, Rose was curious just how tall he was, & how he functioned in daily life. & if she & her grandmother made enough breakfast. She couldn't really remember what he ate the night before. "I slept well", Rose finally answered Fenrir, trying to project her voice calmly & relax. In all honesty, it sounded like she'd swallowed a handful of tacks. Dear God, what was her problem? Was she actually nervous right now, & from what? It wouldn't be impossible for Rose to be attracted to Fenrir, any woman with good sense probably would be, but was it acceptable for her to just move on from her recent suitor, John? Guilt knawed at her a little now, & she felt like she'd just used the man now. "I will return your cloak to you after breakfast," Rose continued, her hands still clasped onto the door, "Which is ready. Breakfast, I mean. Breakfast is ready...."[/b]