“Yes, tomorrow shall be the day we set off on our journey.” Enthusiastic words followed Princess Aryn's continued lightheartedness. “And you can be sure I will have brought my finest books along with a proper map, suited just for our travels.” While his words remained confident, his thoughts were beginning to scatter off, already in a hurry to prepare. “Even though I must say farewell for a single night, morning will be here soon enough to wish us along.” Orin followed with a hug before starting on his way, urgency beckoning him back to his residence. “Oh, and do try to get a restful night’s sleep, if you can.” A quick glance back in Aryn’s direction revealed a wink from Orin and a cheerful smile, knowing there could be a little less sleep to be had on this eager night. With the sun lowering its dominating presence in the dimming sky, afternoon transitioned into evening, all while Orin kept to his desk once more, seeking out only the best of the best to carry along. Covers were opened, pages were flipped, and selections were made. Everything appeared to be going smoothly, though one might wonder just how many books were really required. Even now, the oversized stack of books continued to taunt his discouraged eyes, wishing only to look away. Wasn’t there a single book detailed enough to cover everything he could possibly ever need? That would be just way too easy. As time moved steadily along, Arklen stepped inside, having concluded another day’s work. “So, um... Orin… you having some kind of trouble over there again?” His eyes immediately locked onto all of those teetering stacks of books upon Orin’s desk. “If you need a little help organizing things, I might be able to be of help.” Arklen’s tone softened as he closed in on Orin, still unsure of what was going on at a closer glance. “Or as long as you don’t go all wolf crazy on me, of course.” “Nah, you don’t have to worry about me going wolf on you,” Orin spoke with reassuring words. “I am way too focused on finding the right books about herbs and spells for my journey with the princess. Not to mention, I need a suitable map we can use, detailing our surrounding territories.” “Is that all you were looking for?” Not quite the most efficient route of doing things, though Orin always had a certain way of his own, even if they weren’t always the best. “May I suggest going for this one here on herbs and maybe using this one covering spells. They won’t include every spell or herb imaginable, though we are really only going for something that will compliment both of your talents at the same time, and be of the most effective variety.” Both of the chosen texts were placed in front of Orin who had yet to form an opinion. “Let me know if these will work.” Orin fingered through the pages, double checking the contents, finding some reassurance along the way. “I think these two will do just fine.” He wasn’t really certain what else to say as Arklen once more proved far more knowledgeable about his own texts than he was. “I do have to know. Have you read every one of these books as well?” Orin turned around in his chair, looking back at Arklen with a curious eye. “Yes, pretty much. You never know when all that information will come in handy. Don’t forget, I am partly responsible, along with many others, for making these books available for everyone to read. But anyway, let’s go get you a map that will serve you and the princess well.” Arklen ventured up the flight of stairs, and headed into his room, all while Orin remained quietly amazed yet again. After digging around, Arklen returned to Orin with a map securely in hand. “This one should do. Take a look and see for yourself.” Orin spread it across the desk and let his widening eyes trace along the lay of the land outlined in great detail. “I can understand the books, but where did you get this particular map from? I haven’t seen one of this fashion anywhere inside our village. Even the king, as far as I am aware, doesn’t use anything like this one.” Was Arklen really this resourceful? No matter how, he would sure give his half elf friend credit where it was do. “Well, you are sort of right in that it doesn’t originate from inside our village. There are a few elves I keep in contact with nearby that provide some superior resources. The map you happen to have on your desk is the most recent revision obtainable. They’ve been doing such experienced chartings for as long as I’ve known them.” Feeling growingly reminiscent, Arklen quickly shifted back the conversation. “I am assuming by your sudden dedication to all of this that Princess Aryn desires to leave very soon.” “Yes, as a matter of fact, she is planning for the both of us to leave in the morning, just after daybreak.” Orin wasn’t sure how prepared Arklen was going to be at the sudden mention. “I know it seems to be a bit more on the spur of the moment, though Aryn appears entirely ready to set forth to find her mother and brother.” There wasn’t any real reason Orin could think of as to why more time was needed to be wasted sitting around, doing nothing. “I see, it is Princess Aryn's wishes to leave so soon. I do not blame her of course, though I do say this for the sake of the princess that you make absolutely sure you are prepared to do this. You may reach a point of no return where both of you may be tested to the very limits.” Arklen continued to contemplate the monumental significance of both success and failure. “As a friend, I do not say this to place your thoughts in doubt, but to remind you to remain diligent and respectful of the dangers along the way.” Arklen spoke with serious words of caution before venturing off to make Orin one last enjoyable dinner. As the sharing of stories over dinner reached a late night ending and heavy eyes beckoned adventurous dreams throughout the night, guiding a sleeper’s courageous mind across time, a falcon’s flying silhouette passes by the luminescent glow of the moon, knowing no limits as it reaches out to touch heights once unimaginable. But alas, not even such fantastical imagery can go on forever without required pause, for dawn has arisen again to bring the importance of a meaningful reality back into focus. Staring off into the awakening horizon beyond, Orin walked along towards the castle with a small bag containing a few important belongings. Along the way, a few other early risers could be seen getting ready for another typical day in the village. For Orin, this was not just any other day. This was a time of temporary farewells and the start of a new journey towards the future. Everything about this was going to be alright, for Orin would be by the princess’ side and Aryn by his. Orin's feet soon halted along the pathway just short of the castle walls, his eyes watchful of Princess Aryn’s arrival.