She shook her head, declining politely. She looked up from her equipment as she picked up the digital camera. "Oh no, I'm not a local at all.. And I wouldn't quite call myself a traveler. I'm here on a trip to Del Rey Lagoon Park, it just so happens that I specialize in photography. I snagged some out of this world shots of great whites in the area!" Her eyes lit up a bit as she smiled, glancing down to the camera screen. "Photography is my entire life.. You see, I'm a student in Jacksonville specializing wildlife photography and these shots could be my ticket to a very nice life ahead of me." She frowned a bit putting the camera back on the floor and leaned back on her hands with a sigh. "I was supposed to be on my way home by now, but whatever is going on out there has all the flights cancelled. Go figure." She paused, jumping slightly as another stranger tried to open the bathroom door, beating on it a bit before moving on. She relaxed a bit looking to the door though her frown deepened. "I just want to get home to my brother.. What on Earth is going on out there.."