1. Until further notice, assume there is no magic in this world. I'll ask questions and get definitive results as soon as humanly possibly 2. Keep your civilization balanced. No-one likes having to compete with uber-strong, mega-cultured gods 3. Be reasonable. If your nation only has a couple of gold mines, gold will be unlikely to be a major export 4. Fantasy races are encouraged, but try and keep them roughly humanoid. That means two arms, two legs, a body and head. Wings are allowed, but long-term and high-altitude flight isn't. 5. Don't be a dick. Deliberately starting arguments, trying to claim territory that isn't yours, bullying others into doing as you wish - I've been through it before. 6. NPCs are available to everyone for any use, but ask for permission before using a Player-Controlled being you don't own. 7.Creatures you spawn belong to you - no-one else can say what they do without your consent. The same rule goes for nations - you are the only one who can influence your nation directly. 8. Don't be afraid to PM me with questions, requests and suggestions. I'd love to have feedback. [url=http://animg.com/post/blank-fantasy-island-map-hd-pictures-4-hd-wallpaper.html] The Map [/url] It's a 'Draw your own Borders' kind of map, and functions on a first come, first serve basis. However, keep your borders reasonable. Some parts of the NS skeleton say "if applicable". If these are left empty, it will be assumed that you have no major influences on the given field i.e. an empty Wildlife field means you have no known Wildlife Nation Name: Flag: Region on map: Capital: Capital Population: Other Major Settlements: Population: (max 10,000,000) Racial demographics: Social dynamics: (What is respectable, how do people re-act to certain things, hierarchies, widespread beliefs, etc) Fashion: Calendar: (If applicable) Art: (If applicable) Law: (If applicable) Education: (If applicable) Lanuages: Religious beliefs: (If applicable) Type of Government: Influence and relations: (If applicable) Important People: Trading and tax: (If applicable) Major industries: Major Associations: (If applicable) Currency: (if applicable) Military - (Details of amounts and types of soldiers. Any war vessels, siege machines or other military constructs go here as well.) (Maximum 1 soldier for 25 civilians) Landscape: Wildlife: Notable places: (If applicable) History: (Optional) Strengths: Weaknesses: ------- Name: Classification: (NPC or Player-Controlled?) Appearance: Shared traits: Natural abilities: Lifespan: Relations with other races: History: (Optional) Preferred occupations: Famous people: Strengths: Weaknesses: ------