Numbers 1-12 are reserved for Chronos only. :P So any number other than that is fine. Check this link: [url=]Clicky![/url] It summarizes the numbers taken (under Teams). For those who want to know the rules for creating their character sheets (CS), please refer to this [url=]link[/url]. As a quick summary the following Asylum Codes have been taken: 13-20: XIII (13) 20-30: XXI (21), XXII (22) 31-40: 41-50: LV (55) 51-60: LIX (59), LX (60) 61-70: LXIV (64), LXV (65) 71-80: 81-90: XC (90) 91-100: XCI (91) 101-110: CX (110) Naturally some numbers appear more elegant than others. You can use this [url=]site[/url] to help you decide what numerals you want. Other Useful Information: [hider=Breakdown of the Specializations so far...] [u]Silencers (5):[/u] Angel (Team Gemellie) Reri (Team Gemellie) Maeve (Team Bean Sidhes) Vali (Team Broken Pendulum) Solus (Team Toxic Serenity) [u]Hunters (2):[/u] Kirra (Team Bean Sidhes) Fletcher (Team Raven Aegis) [u]Sniffers (3):[/u] Alistair (Team Broken Pendulum) Isaiah (Team Raven Aegis) Cionus (Team Toxic Serenity) [u]Hybrids (2):[/u] Seira (New Recruit) Camron (New Recruit)[/hider] [hider=Alch-Specs Taken:] Gravity Manipulation (Reri) Psychokinesis (Angel) Osteokinesis (Maeve) Shadow Manipulation (Kirra) Access to Pocket Dimension (Alistair) Physical Enhancement (Vali) Magnetic Field Creation (Fletcher) Airwave Vibration (Isaiah) Sound Manipulation (Solus) Sound Manipulation/Crystalization (Cionus) Metal Manipulation (Seira) Energy Absorption (Camron)[/hider] [hider=Banned or Reserved Alch-Specs] Blood Manipulation Thought projection Instant regeneration Space and time Gravity Darkness manipulation Ice manipulation Nova* Molecular manipulation Deconstruction reconstruction at a molecular level *means that it is reserved[/hider] [hider=Format for the CS (a direct quote from Xodus)] Name: ...your name! Nickname/Title: Either a title that you are famous by and has its own story, or a nickname your fellow asylums can call you. You don't have to have one. Team Title: All asylum teams can have titles if they are skilled/well respected enough by other asylum teams. Having a title also means that other asylum teams have heard of you.* Gender: Male or Female Age: Your choice, but must be between 17 and under 40.[the partners cannot be more than 5-6 years apart; older Asylums will have the sanity drained faster] Position: Asylum Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer -- the four main asylum soldier divisions.* Alchemic Style: Vocem, Sigillum, Motem. You have to choose a combination of two! Asylum Code: All asylums have a Roman Numeral code tattooed somewhere on their body -- it is their number and nobody else can have it. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants a number someone already has. Write the Roman Numeral you desire along with the translated number in (parenthesis). Then write where it is located on the body. Your number cannot be zero or 1 through 12, as those are for the 12 Chrono Asylums. So, for example, LXXI (71). Located on the back of the skull. If you need help with the Roman Numerals, use this site: Weapons: You may have only 3 weapons. While A.M.R.O's technology is a hundred years advance try to be creative with your weapons, but don't let them become too futuristic. If you need help, post your questions in the OOC thread. There is one other element in Weapons that you could consider: AMRO's Anti-Alchemy substance. This substance, when inside an alchemist's body, disrupts their alchemy power. The typical way to use anti Alchemy is to put them in your bullets, so that if one bullet hits an alchemist, it'll set you up for a killing shot. If you have more questions on this, please post them in the OOC thread, as it is a very interesting subject that many people trying to join have misunderstood. Alchemy specialization: Also known as Alch-Specs. But first, let me make something perfectly clear: all asylums can use all kinds of alchemy, but every asylum has his or her own specialization, which is basically just a kind of alchemy that they excel at. Although there are thousands of asylums working for AMRO that have the same alch-spec, for story purposes, all the players' asylums must have different alch-specs. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants an alch-spec that someone already has. If you need help picking an alch-spec, don't be shy to ask for help in the OOC thread. Appearance: Describe your character's physique, appearance, and clothing, in at least paragraphs. Personality: Describe your character's personality with at least 2 paragraphs. History: Writing your character's backstory is not necessary at the time of character sheet submission. But later on, it would be a good idea to create one and show it in the story. You also don't have to show your character's entire backstory here if you prefer. Other: Any additional information.[/hider] I did not include the teams that are inactive in the summary above. Hope it helps. =D Sorry Xodus! :P Cant help answering.