Leon Thorne was surprised that they had enlisted one of the creatures they fought. The witch would cause internal strife within the team. Leon liked to think he didn't judge people based on their past- it was hard for him not to believe in second chances- but this creature was another matter entirely. Most of the team wouldn't want to work with it, it could turn on them, there were just too many problems that bringing it in would cause. But Leon kept his mouth shut. He doubted the commanders would listen to him second guessing them. So, instead, Leon finally pulled down his hood- revealing his face, covered by a large smile. Despite the trouble with the witch, new faces were new faces, and Leon is always eager to met new people. Leon decided to take a look at the group he is now a part of. First, there were, of course, the commanders. He's heard of all of them in some capacity. First was the Justicar Aura Valerian, the leader of the famed Lunar Watch. Her reputation preceded her, but she didn't quite live up to the stories Leon has heard. She didn't seem strong. She was lithe, and pale. She seemed to counter the tales of the imposing Lunar Watch. Next was Balor, the Sentinel of the Children of the Dark Sun. Leon did not have a high opinion of the cult- they were portrayed as monsters, a terrifying cult to be feared. But now they have marched freely in the open streets, cheered on as heroes. But Eline was willing to get help from those who offered it, and here they are. Balor seemed to exemplify the negative traits of the Dark Suns, underneath his gold armor was a lithe man that was nonetheless incredibly dangerous. Ready to kill, and ready to bring his own twisted form of justice to the world. After Balor came Vladamir. Leon has already made it known he thought of Vladamir as little more then a beast. Finally was the Major, Stonewall. Leon had heard of his exploits in his travels. He sounded like a reliable man, but Leon could not speak beyond that. Besides the commanders, his new allies were also assembled. The team was compose of Lunar Watch, Dark Sol, and Freelancers such as himself. The distinct lack of Inquisition was surprising. He had heard rumors the Eline's soldiers would be participating in operations such as theirs, but that appeared to not be the case. The meal was pleasant. Leon was in awe of the large dining hall- it was not a setting he was used to. The food was significantly better then anything had, but that was hardly unexpected considering he lived in the wilderness. Leon was sure to be talkative to anyone who would listen, spreading tales of his exploits among the group. AS Leon finished his meal, he stood up from his chair. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. For anyone that do not know, I am Leon Thorne." Leon said aloud to the group. He the turned towards the commander, "If you'll excuse me, I will go to my room and prepare for tomorrow. Thank Eline for the meal on my behalf, please." He turned away from the dining hall and asked one of the servants to lead him towards his room. Leon muttered words of thanks to the servant and headed inside. He spent the rest of the night doing just what he said he would do. He spent sometime sharpening his sword and organizing his supplies. Finally as the sun fell and the clock struck nine Leon undressed, and laid in his bed. It was hard for him to sleep. It always has been ever since he took his first life.