[quote=Kaga] This spread seems to suggest a lot of emotional instability in your future. To start, we have the Six of Pentacles, which refers to knowing when to give and receive advice. In this case, I'm assuming it means the latter. Beneath it we have The Sun, which indicates that you may have a hard time trusting your own abilities, perhaps hinting at low self-esteem, and the Five of Cups, which predicts a severe emotional blow which you'll linger over for longer than what is healthy. It's possible that The Sun's prediction may have something to do with this. Lastly, we have the Two of Swords - the card of uneasy compromises. It's not a strong fix to a problem, but it's a start, at least. Perhaps the Six of Pentacles is trying to give you a way to avoid much of these hardships, advising that you let others in to help you. Otherwise, your emotions may leave you in a rut that you can't get out of, with your best, short-term solutions to your problems being weak, unstable ones. [/quote] Either it's warning about events that have happened before (which these HAVE happened before) or it's warning me that some shit is coming my way. Meh, better do what any sensible American would do in this situation... prepare. Thanks, Kaga.