[quote=Awson] Thanks Kaga. [/quote] You're welcome. ^^ [quote=Joegreenbeen] Could I have a reading about my role in the spam community, in the FUTURE! [/quote] Oooh boy. Here goes. :rolleyes [hider=Image][img]http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i431/InternetLeech/joe2.jpg[/img][/hider] The two halves of this spread seem to show two very different situations for yourself - you in the present and near future, and the potential you in the far future. For now, the Knight of Wands is representative of yourself. You have drive and you have goals (ie: becoming the great Spam member that you envision yourself as in the future), but said goals are seen as being rather silly by most. Furthermore, you're having a hard time reaching said goals. The Four of Cups provides more insight to this, as it suggests that your actions are turning a stable situation unstable. In other words, you're trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist, making no change at best and hurting the situation further at worst. Such is characteristic of your attempts to "improve" a Spam forum which is already bouncing back. Lastly though, in the further future, we have the Ten of Pentacles, which represents the Spam reception you currently yearn for, when you become a popular and respected member. There certainly seems to be quite the wide gap between these two versions of yourself, however. Bridging that gap is The Chariot, a card about control and reigning in your impulses. It advises control, and not rushing so hastily into things like the Knight of Wands and Four of Cups suggest you may be doing. Control yourself as The Chariot recommends, and you may reach the future shown in the Ten of Pentacles.