Swiftly, Zeta Squad moves in formation to the airspace control center in order to repair the communications array. A quick data-dive by the squad’s resident hackers reveals there is in fact no malfunction. Instead it appears someone has taken complete control of the ship’s network. Not only that but the ship’s cyberspace has been heavily modded, it would take days or even weeks to go thru and examine all the changes. Whoever did this must have direct access to the Yamato’s database and mainframe. As soon as the hackers jack-out of the system the squad’s comms comes to life with a crystal clear signal. “Fufufufu~ silly mortals. Fight over meat-space all you want, but cyberspace is MINE.” The voice is the same one as before, but this time it sounds even more excited than before. As if the person on the other end is enjoying herself. “I control everything and I see everything. Like, the port from which people jack-in for example! Maybe I should tell Hachiman where you are, he’s hasn’t killed anyone in a while. On second thought, that guy is kind of a dick. Since you all are new I’ll go easy on you… this time.” The signal cuts out once again, leaving your comms silent save for some static. Shuffling and scratching can be heard somewhere in the darkness. Those with enhanced or augmented vision make out the occasional mysterious inhuman figure scurry behind crates and scrapped cargo ships. In fact, of what’s left, none of the ships are able to fly. Some even look like parts of them have been chewed on, as evident by scratches, dents, and pieces of steel that appear to have been torn like scraps of paper. Hastily Zeta Squad weaves its way thru the massive hangar, picking up pace as the sound of scratchy footsteps gets louder and louder. Once they reach the border door the hackers get to work slicing the terminal, this time making sure to cover their digital footprints. According to the log the door has been sealed shut for the better part of a year. [center][b]Hangar 1002 -> Residential District 1022[/b][/center] [hider=Atmosphere Music for all you atmosphere fans] [youtube] 7cEMYmDp6Y8 [/youtube] [/hider] [img=http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag352/Konica44/title_zps57cfd2a3.jpg] The border doors open just long enough so that Zeta Squad could pass thru without any of those creatures following. Suddenly the members of Zeta Squad finds itself bathed in blinding light, it takes a few moments for human eyes to adjust. Inside you find yourselves in a very clean, spacious, modern looking city. The shiny blue and white color pallet make it feel utopian, the phrase “a brighter future” comes to mind. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/080/9/8/xp_house_copy_by_jonone-d5ytgmk.jpg] Up in the ceiling an impressive hologram of the sky is displayed, and along the wall an image of green hills and blue lakes, fooling all but the most trained eye. You could almost believe you were on earth if it wasn’t for the border doors behind you, with a symbol painted on it that you just now noticed: [hider=Border Doors] [center] [img=http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag352/Konica44/door_zps3bbe6071.jpg] [/center] [/hider] As you cautiously and in formation trek deeper into the city, you notice how empty it is. When you do spot a civilian they almost always run inside or duck in fear of you. Sometimes they just watch, but all of them keep their distance. None of them appear to be armed or particularly dangerous. The amount of people increases the closer you get to the heart of the district. On the walls of cafes and clothing stores you notice posters hastily stuck in place. Two in particular repeat often: [hider=Posters] [img=http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag352/Konica44/yamatopropaganda_zps3fe0f411.jpg] [img=http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag352/Konica44/raijinpropaganda_zps34b2f64e.jpg] [/hider] Every time you approach someone they back off like you have the plague, until a little wide-eyed girl no older than 4 tugs on LC Taylor’s sleeve. “Heeey, you’re new here aren’t you mister? I’m Emmy, Emmy Stills. Did you come from outside? What’s it like? I’ve never been outside before…” The girl (who is apparently braver than anyone else you’ve seen so far) continues to talk with LC Taylor and Zeta Squad a while longer before the sound of a panicking mother’s voice pierces your ears. “Emmy! Get away from those people!” she said, pulling the girl safely into her arms as she backs away from you. She is wearing slightly dated, but still stylish clothes that fit in well with the city. There’s little doubt she belongs here. [hider=Mother] [center] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/352/f/c/Outta_space_lady_by_Brenze.jpg] [/center] [/hider] “I don’t care which god you worship, this is a neutral zone! We just want to be left in peace!” Before you know it police sirens ring as two cruisers come from both ends of the street, surrounding Zeta Squad. Four officers get out, but keep their small pistols holstered. On their light bullet-proof vests the words “DISTRICT SECURITY” is stitched in along with their names. You know District Security is small time, only slightly above mall-cops. “Hold it!” one of the officers shouts, approaching cautiously with one hand ready to pull his pistol out. “Drop any weapons you’re carrying, this a conflict free zone! What do you want? There’s nothing of value here!” he’s clearly intimidated by Zeta Squad’s colorful characters.