Alekzander watched out of the corner of his eye at Robb walking over to him as he ate his food, sitting and propping his feet up. Practicing for the inevitable leisure, he would assume, and would excuse it. "Aye, lad. That there is. A note pinned to the board. Looks like a simple robbery. A job for you and Jarret to work together on. Promised a small purse-full if you can get the items he wants," Alekzander said, matter-of-factly. Alekzander then smirked and scoffed. "Am I the only one that finds it humorous that you're one of the specialists on robbery, and your name is Robb? I enjoy how that worked out." Alekzander would then wave to the barmaid. "Would you be a kind lass and get Roban his damned tea? Fool's yelling his lungs out in there. And, do mind the fumes, please. You want to keep those strong lungs just that way, lest you choke on your own throat," he said. The barmaid nodded and went into the kitchen and came back out with Roban's tea he'd ben crying out for. Alekzander scoffed once more and looked over to Robb. "All of those chemicals are going to the man's head, no doubt. Poor man runs on no sleep in a room full of chemicals, more than half of them deadly. Sometimes, I wonder if he accidentally mixed his sanity into one of his many vials of products. Or all of them, little by little. But, Roban's a good man. Reliable doctor and alchemist, as well as toxicologist." With that, Alekzander had finished his plate of food, sliding it onto the table as per usual. When the barmaid came over to him, he handed it to her. "Thank you for the meal, lass. It was truly delicious. Place wouldn't be the same without your good cooking, good looking," Alekzander said, smirking and winking to the barmaid. Flustered, the barmaid lowered her head and giggled, before going back into the kitchen. Satisfied, Alekzander would turn back to Robb, reaching for the deck of cards on the table. He would shuffle the deck masterfully before looking at Robb. "Could I interest you in a game of cards?"