Pikes=Orc boot camp. A thought just occurred, how well equipped is the company actually? I assume it would depend on what concept we go with, in the case of No Notable Battles, They'd probably have little income since most of the jobs in that category are small time. (Which may beg the question to the over all size but that's getting into detail atm) Being their mostly outcast and their situation, would it be right to assume most of their gear is scavenged? (one that note I wonder the quality of Orc smiths in this world:hmm) So I'm wondering what other forms of income they could acquire, one idea is they could gain some kind of, say strongbold/guildhouse, possibly after kicking out the previous occupants of bandits, Maybe a mine or some location that has some resource they could sell. Aside from the obvious value in coin it would bring, it would offer a nice guildhall/base of sorts, easier to join the band if it has a fairly set location outcast can go to for sanctuary. Hmm...wonder what they would call it...