[b][centre]Bruce "Brucey" McFoster[/b] [youtube]dG7Rl3qxUqY[/youtube][/centre] Bruce noticed the wolf-like mutants prowling on the somewhat easier meat targets before they noticed his approach and fled into the fog. But the situation at the APC was more dire and he couldn't spare the time to hunt the creatures, especially in this low-visibility soup. "Ok gents, we have two wolf-beasts prowling in the fog. We can't afford to be separated for even a minute otherwise those things will ambush. Unless a couple of you want to go hunting for wolf-pelts. But it's time for the Ignis Dei to do what it must." Bruce turned up the music to the maximum as Through the Fire and the Flames came next on his playlist and he spooled up the Sprint Gyro to full stride. "As for me... don't stand too close to the tin coffin. Nathaniel. If you can cover me I need to climb on board the APCs roof." Bruce charged forwards unleashing a burst of flame to distract the APCs attackers, and burn them, "Seminate vobis in loco purificationis, et in flammis Ignis Dei pecora communia" Bruce called out through the speaker playing the music. The latin speaking mutant should get the point. From there he prayed to the first flame from which the universe sprung that his back was being covered enough to climb onto the APC.