Komada looked around the City of Beginnings in wonder, having opted for the simplest leather armour because she thought it looked the best, she brightly smiled at the intricate appearance of the virtual world. She was delightfully surprised at how much she could actually feel about it - she thought it would be rudimentary at best. There was a cutlass at her hip and some low-level throwing picks, due to the way she had chosen to start the game. She had also chosen to add cat ears and a tail to her appearance; a surprisingly uncommon choice among the other players which she was happy to take for herself. The first things she did included running her hands over the bricks of the buildings and just generally exploring. However, she finally decided to leave, though she was a bit reluctant to do so, as had never even been to a major city in real life, it was entirely new to her. However, after finally passing the edge of the safe zone and into the fields of monsters and new players, she smiled brightly. The grass was so lush... How could they make something so real? The girl had adopted the name Komada for the game, as she had always loved the way it sounded, but those in real life knew her as Hayashi Shiemi. She strolled about the fields, feeling absolutely no danger as the other players quickly dispatched of the beasts. She was looking for one person in particular: Oshiro Ren, her best friend from childhood. He hadn't yet known that she had acquired or planned to play the game, but there was no doubt he would recognize her. It wasn't until she was into her search that he might have greatly altered how he looked and she didn't know what his handle would be. Chances were, he would be off alone somewhere, though it was also possible he would still resemble his real life self. By the time she had humiliated herself twice by clinging to somebody she didn't know that had a resemblance to her friend, she was ready to give up, log out, and try to get in touch with him. With a sigh, she found a more secluded area, swiped for her menu, and scrolled to where she thought the Log Out button would be. There was nothing... She furrowed her brow, maybe she was looking in the wrong place. She began to check another section of the menu, then another, and another, and finally she was sorting through the most distant things, including the Inventory, just to find that button. But it was nowhere; she looked through every button at least two or three times before falling to the ground and staring forward, motionless. Where was he? "All right, then... Who's next?" She heard from nearby... That voice... The girl pulled herself up and ran up to the top of the hill, looking down to see a few boars grazing as one boy attacked them head-on, one at a time. She had already embarrassed herself twice by jumping on boys she [i]thought[/i] were Ren... What could one more hurt, simply because this one sounded like him? If it wasn't, then she would just go back to the City of Beginnings and find a way to log out and find him in the real world. The girl ran down the hill and leapt, clinging to his back as another beast shattered at the strike of his blade, her voice ringing out, "Onii-chan!" A bright smile plastered across her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I've been looking all over for you!" She exclaimed, hoping with all of her heart that she hadn't just embarrassed herself in front of yet another stranger. "I can't find the logout button... I was going to go call you, but... Do you know where it is? Maybe I overlooked it or there's a menu I missed?" She asked, falling away from him and kicking the grass as she bit the inside of her cheek.