"Oh no Marcus, you misunderestimate me. You don't have to do me any favors. This little reactor's yours--and I expect your scientists will want to build a helluva lot more of em, stick em in submarines, whatever. Feel free. I'll even give you a copy of the patent rights, if you fellers care about that sort of thing. See, I figure this little thing's more of a proof of concept than anything else--and it's damn old. Designed it before you dropped the first nukes up north. "Say your boys tear this thing apart, start makin' some improvements--and I'll bet with those computers you got ya'all can improve on it considerably. But I've been doin' this for twenty years, and I can make you a reactor with a thousand times as much output.that's a helluva lot safer. Even got some designs on fusion reactors I'm playin' around with. "But the EPA won't let me build 'em in the UCS. Sure they don't make smog, but they also have none of the environmental benefits of a good old-fashioned coal power plant. There ain't gonna be no global warming anytime soon if we all switch over to nuclear power no matter how profitable it is. "Now, you hand me that chip and you can bet your ass I'm gonna run right down to Neumann Pneumatics and see if they can't design me a replica. But we're at [i]least[/i] twenty-five years behind you when it comes to all this computer stuff. So it's a helluva lot easier for you to just give me more of these chips. I'll help solve your nation's energy crisis and you won't have to deal with a potential security hazard."