TT__TT I'm here... I'm drowning in crap to do, but I'm here. Believe it or not, I have actually been writing on my post every time I have a minute when I'm not doing a bunch of stuff or being dead from lack of sleep/nutrition/hurling my guts. I'm nearly done with it and I hope to have it up within the week. On the bright side, I found out that I am having a baby girl. Her name is going to be Freja ^_^ And, I'm only half the size I thought I'd be by this time (since she's not a twin and I forgot to weigh that in). That, unfortunately, also means that I can't take maternity leave as early as I thought. And my baby bunny is a little boy bunny. I'm having his nuts popped next month, so my mom is overfeeding him to compensate him for the loss he is going to have. And the guinea pig keeps humping him, for some reason. I guess it's a dominance thing. (and before anyone says anything about not keeping a bunny and a guinea pig together ('cause I hear this every time I mention it) I've done it before and I've never had any problems with it; it's like dogs and cats, they can live together when treated and raised right)