After what seemed to be a few eventful minutes, finally he had most of the names of the men and women who'd be part of his crew. Most of them presented themselves with dignity and respect for their captain. Good. Some took it a little far, the slave girl for instance. He nearly told her to not act like that, right now she was following only his orders, and he had never been one to mistreat someone. Well, he [i]hoped[/i] he hadn't. He watched all the people introduce themselves carefully, the first one to do so he assumed just did not like the silence, however the compliment was welcome. The second one, a proud man by the looks of it - who was in fact taller than him, as the boots he wore right now made him him taller than normal - seemed to be the happiest one to actually be here. A man who made his introduction short and clipped, the slave his brother had bought him - a young lady who could most likely put even his eldest brother in his place - then a voice from above and a lazy salute followed by the man who had been possibly sleeping in his ship. He gave the man a threatening look with what should have been a cheery grin, quite possibly a warning. Back to the others, you have to actually [i]care[/i] about these people, he reminded himself. A man who spoke softly and did not seem impressed by his wealth, most likely because he had some of his own. The last, oh thank god, was someone who seemed to be sizing everyone up. As was he. ------------------- Finally, he could take a moment to relax and just look over his crew, seeing who would do what, go w- Here, he was here. Deren's eyes fixed on someone behind the crew, not quite on the docks but close enough. "Excuse me one moment." He gave the others a nod to the ship, signalling they were free to get on, make themselves at home as he stepped pass them, his walk not quite as confident as it was when he made his grand appearance. Deren walked over to the other man, who was surrounded with six dogs. Dogs that nearly tackled him to the ground, as the man just looked on with a very faint smile. "I thought you weren't coming to see me." "Didn't plan to, but I had to let you say goodbye to your dogs. Couldn't exactly send them with someone else." The other man was tall, very plain looking with his clothes and features, nothing you'd exactly remember except his height. "Thank you." Deren gave his childhood friend a hug, which was returned. Quickly they said goodbye, Deren reminding him that he couldn't be seen as being too nice after all, the dogs whining but staying put. He walked back to his ship, not exactly confident but not exactly casual, either. "We sail in twenty minutes, your quarters will be downstairs, I'm sure one of the men who has been here before the lot of you can show you where you'll be sleeping." Their 'quarters' were just a large room with a number of hammocks above other hammocks, and a few chests. "If you touch anyone's things without permission, you will have a finger cut off. If you touch [i]my[/i] things without permission, you will have a hand cut off. I will speak to each of you, and some of the others who were already on this ship, to see what positions you can fill. That is all for now." A large man, who looked like he had seen the bottom of his glass of whiskey more times than he wanted, gave them a grunt and walked down some stairs. "This'll be where ya sleep, with the unpleasant rest o' us. Kitchen is o'er there," he gestured to the right of the room where there was an archway leading to an area where there was a small kitchen and an even smaller dining area, "An' where ya do yer 'business' is o'er there," he gestured to the left of the room that had a door. "Any questions?"