NĂ«is did not immediately join the rest of the pack in venturing to the underbelly of the ship, instead he took to pacing around the top deck, surveying both the ship's crew and the ship itself. There were several men that looked both hardened and sea-weary, and none of them quite looked his way. Itself, it was a fine ship, though perhaps not the largest he had ever seen. A ship was a ship, in the end, and size barely mattered unless a sea skirmish was planned or inevitable. And things being as they were... he only hoped they wouldn't find themselves outgunned in the future. As for the new crew, of which he was a part of, he had no particular feelings towards any of them. Just people, was all they were. None more or less important than the last. He hoped to mostly just ignore them, and so their personalities weren't meaningful. The only one he needed to be anywhere near [i]good[/i] to was the captain, and he doubted even they would come into much contact. Or more that he [i]hoped[/i] they wouldn't come into much contact. As it was, the captain was 'in contact' a little beyond the docks, talking to a man who had several large dogs in tow. He had no real love for the animals himself, but by the looks of it the captain had quite a lot. Once he appeared to have said his farewells and boarded the ship, the pace was picked up somewhat. The redhead--Arren, or something akin to that--went down below deck alongside a larger man who seemed to be instructing the lot of them, and he could just barely make out what was being said before he disappeared from sight completely. The thought occurred to him that he should claim a bed, or whatever sort of thing it was that they were to be sleeping on, but he had no interest in heading down while so many were already on their way. He would take the last one and be done with it, the location didn't matter so much as [i]having[/i] somewhere to sleep. If it came down to it, he was willing to sleep straight on the floor. He settled himself near the side of the ship, resting his hands on the smooth wood. Too nice a day to go under, especially after stowing away inside of a stagnant inn room for so many days. He hadn't been on a ship, respectable or otherwise, in years. He wasn't off balance so much as he was simply bothered by the subtle ways the ship would move, and he clenched the railing tight to keep himself still. He wasn't going to fall over or stumble, but he was uncomfortable and felt clumsier than he ever had on land. Or just ever had at all, for that matter. He knew he hadn't had nearly as many qualms about it when he was a child, and had to wonder if his age was finally catching up to him. There was a cool breeze coming in from the north, and he faced it, taking the time to just breathe. He was an outdoorsman at heart, but knew he should at least [i]try[/i] to pay attention to the dealings on the ship. Just... maybe later, though. As it was, he couldn't fully relax, but he did take up a more casual, resting stance. He'd have to seek out the captain later to work out his position, but he was content to just take in the day before he needed to get busy.