Submitting a faction for approval, CS is still in the works. Essential Information Name: Slayers of Anghiem Location: Southernmost part of the Forayish Woods, on the peninsula known as Lasair’s Blaze (thought to be where Lasair first left Endwuin to create Bolecawn),The City of Anghiem, Fortress Salair. Purpose: To protect any and all from the beasts and evils of Enduwin, including dragons. History: The Slayers are a proud and old people born of mostly dwarven stock although it is not unknown for other races to be a Slayer. They hand pick their members when they reach a suitable age for learning to fight, there is no clear age due to different races having different lifespans. From the ancient times the Slayers have stood against the rage of the beasts traveling far and wide to guard the lesser folk, those not born for a life of war. With the magic of Trayig declining the Slayer have declined too, no longer do great and mighty dragons roam the land in their dozens, or evil magicians destroy villages nightly. The Slayers have declined from nearly a thousand to barely a hundred members. Those that do wish to join the Slayers must be the best of the best, the strongest of the strong, and the bravest of the brave. For Slayer lore tells of a great darkness overtaking the land, and Slayers will be needed more than ever. Beliefs: The Slayers believe it is their duty to protect and serve the people in the name of the god Lasair. They believe whilst Lasair is a god of fire and rebirth he does not wish undue destruction and death upon the gentler folk of Endwuin. And so it is the Slayers duty to take up his banner and guard the people from all manner of beast that plague Endwuin. If a dragon is terrorizing a city expect the Slayers, if bandits are on a killing spree expect the Slayers to be there with blades and fire. In times past some great Slayers have been known to receive the Blessings of Lasair and learnt to wield the powers of Lasair in battle. Optional Information Key Members: Grand Sair Mandilor, one of the last Slayers gifted with the blessing of Lasair, he is qiute old and many believe he should be replaced but none presented are suitable candidates. Proven Arnack Clarn Advantages: Trained in spears, swords and axes of all manner the Slayers will uses anything to hand. They are trained in the use of heavy armour, but when travelling most prefer to go in a mix between light and heavy. Disadvantages: The Slayers have an aversion to many bodies of water; this might explain why they haven’t just popped over to visit their Godly patron. The Slayers don’t make much use of ranged weaponry and prefer to go hand to hand, whether faced with a dragon or a man, they can be vulnerable to marksmen too. Ranks: Grand Sair: leader of the Slayers, literally means Grand Fire Initiate: The rank all Slayers attain once they have been picked. Proven: The rank all members reach when they have proven they have what it takes to be a Slayer, after a challenge set by the Grand Sair and his council. At this stage they are free to roam the world and tasked with identifying threats to Endwuin’s safety, doing what they can to help and bringing back trophies of their victories. After a year they are to return to Fortress Salair and report anything of sufficient danger to the council. Rules/Laws: Protect the common folk, and fight all evils unleashed upon Endwuin.