Ugh. Miranda truly didn't expect such a barrage of questions. Of course she expected questions, but no of that sort. She truly hoped she was right about the girl and that she was more than meet the eyes. However, seeing her feed in such a way was satisfactory. She seemed to enjoy it. Of course she did, it was now her nature as much as it was that of any Kindred. To her question about Kindred, Miranda said; ''Because it is so. There is not reason, or it was lost throughout the time.'' The rest of her questions originated from the popular culture of Kines society, and while some of it was intended as a joke, the Vampire decided she'd address all of it. ''No, we do not sparkle. We burn. We burn instantly and in a most terrifying and agonizing way. Yes, we sleep. We sleep during the day in a form of stasis. We can be killed by a multitude of ways...though a cross or garlic doesn't exactly work, while it may be true for some very specific bloodline of vampires. We are strong and faster than any Kines will ever be, meaning their weapons are ineffective against us. Bullets will hurt you little if it manage to hit you, but still be careful not to get hit by too much fire power. While you will not die, you can be wounded enough to enter a deathlike stasis called Torpor, where your body will heal the more extreme damage.'' Miranda voice changed when she mentioned Torpor, for some reason. She seemed almost nostalgic about it, but she got back to herself as she continued. ''Now, the state of Torpor can last for centuries, some Kindreds have been in Torpor for a millenia. As a Kindred gets older, the thought of Torpor becomes more and more attractive, however. We cannot die, yet some of us may grow weary of the Dance and seek to take a pause from it all.'' She stood up and did her usual walking around the room as she spoke, circling around the bed and then going back. ''As for blood, you are a fool if you think you can survive without it. First of all, when you changed, your physiology did, too. All of your body fluids have been changed by blood, but we cannot produce it anymore which is why we need to take it from the Kines. If you sweat, you will sweat blood, the same goes for crying if it ever happens to you in the future. Blood, or vitae, is used to get up and move and we spend vitae every night as we move around. You also use the blood to enhance your physical attributes and use what we call Disciplines, supernatural powers that changes from a clan to another. You are a Daeva, just as I am. We are social predators, and you will have a harder time resisting any of your vices, but have very interesting powers to go with it. We are master at the Discipline of Majesty, which is the art of seduction and persuasion. Other Kindreds might call us Succubi, from time to time, and see us as weaker than certain other clans, but do not take such words for granted truth. At all time you will feel your emotions multiplied and attack you, eating from the inside. You might feel hollow at times, vanquished by the vices of your choice, but do not give in to it, for such is the curse of the Daevas.'' Miranda suddenly stopped walking and walked to the door, opening it. ''There is so much to say...this rooms reeks of death. Come, Childe, follow me. We'll walk as we speak.'' and she went outside. They were actually in a very large and richly decorated place. It looked like a mansion from a long passed time, just like where they would hold great masked balls in movies and the such. Miranda and Kalinda were on the second floor, and Miranda seemed intended on simply walking around, explaining things and answering questions for now.