Quinn looked up, noticing the late hour on the clock. The other professors were already packing up as it seemed. A hand erupted from Quinn's throat as it grabbed the nearest telephone. After some buttons, a voice answered. "Yes. This is Quinn Camoride of Avria High. Yes, I know... I haven't called you in a while. See, I need a favor from you, Dr. Archock. " Quinn paused as some thoughts rushed into his head. "I need multiple loads of stones... Yes, you know what to do with those. I also need weapons, lots of it. I'll also need some armor, lots of it as well. I do hope you remember what I did for you back then. So it's free? Thanks a lot, brother." Quinn smiled as he cleared his throat. "Yes. Have them delivered by dawn. Yeah, those kids will love it." Quinn smiled, however, his eyes opened suddenly. "No, no... Of course not... FINE. Some did die back then, but it was for the better good. This activity will definitely weed out the unworthy... I just hope that the deaths won't rise." Quinn sighed, standing up. "Yes. Goodbye, Dr. Archock. Thank you again." Quinn put down the phone as he packed his suitcase, and passed by the library; noticing most of the reincarnates there. "Good luck tomorrow, Reincarnates.... Rest assured, you'll need it." Quinn mumbled to himself as he walked outside of the school; about to return on the sun's first light.