[hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: Sarantsa Uiun Pepelu, Dynasty[/b] [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 3 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 1 [b]Population:[/b] 33,000 [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/173/b/f/kingfisher_animation_compilation_by_nekonyaanyaa-d54hiwy.gif[/img] - Kingfisher (Speardiver division) / 230 / Spread at key borders and within the capital / Morale 75% [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/161/a/2/hummingbird_by_nekonyaanyaa-d52y6hi.gif[/img] - Hummingbird (Bow division) / 360 /Spread at key borders and within the capital / Morale 80% - Envoy Guards / 20 + 40 / Aboard Envoy Fleet / Morale 100% - Fleet of Fog Crew / 150 + 300 / Aboard Fleet of Fog / Morale 95%[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]- Fleet of Fog / 9 light vessels / 2 medium vessels / 0 heavy vessels / En route to Black Ships / 100% - On'on Coastal Guard / 4 light vessels / 0 medium vessels / 0 heavy vessels / Patrolling On'on southern sea borders / 100% - Envoy Fleet / 2 light vessels / 0 medium vessels / 0 heavy vessels / En route to the Achnon Republic / 100%[/indent] [b]Population Happiness:[/b] 80% [b]Imports:[/b] - [b]Exports:[/b] Fish, Pearls [b]Wealth:[/b] Average[/hider] [hider=Nation Map][URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Nekonyaanyaa/media/mapcopy_zps925009a1.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v694/Nekonyaanyaa/mapcopy_zps925009a1.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [center][u][b]Obsidian Waves[/b][/u][/center] The sightings of horror-filled obsidian ships began no more than a myth amongst Uarunerian fisherman. These fishing vessels sailed a ways too far from their usual netting spots, hoping to increase their yields and see instant profit. Deep sea produce has been a staple source of food for the citizens of Uaruneria, but with the recent discovery of a new undersea critter - it has recently gained an unusual demand for more. None had expected that these hard-shelled sea creatures would satisfy the picky palates of Uarunerian denizens - claimed by many to have the most delicate of tastes. However, the prevailing reports of these banner-less black ships had began to worry the authorities. One leading to another, a scouting party had been assembled to ascertain the validity of the fishermen's claims. Reports returned swiftly with a confirmed sighting of such ominous ships - seemingly to patrol the northern waters. The Phoenix; or currently known to her people as Sarantsa Uiun Odval, Matriarch of the Phoenix, reads the report with a worried expression. She pondered a little before she summoned Sealord Chuluun; high command of the Fleet of Fog. "What do you make of these black ships, Chuluun?" A question darted towards the unwary Sealord stopping her in her tracks, who had just arrived before she could even start with the customary greeting. The Sealord pondered a little, before she continued her approached to the Matriarch and replied with a calm demeanor. "They have been simply patrolling the far borders, away from our claims. Reports write that they are too purposeful, never straying away to their own whims." "This makes one think they are not rabbles to be simply discarded as pirates or slavers." The Matriarch spoke in response. "It does not pose too much of a threat for now," the Sealord paused a while, noticing the grimace of the Matriarch's face before continuing. "Our northern sea borders had never been threatened since the founding of our nation. Their appearance does not bode well, but they have not been hostile to our people nor our claims," urged the Sealord, hoping to leave them be. "I understand that the southern lands has been at much unrest, but we should not forget the north. Need I remind you that Ulaangom has no protection and may be subject to hostile threats if we are not careful?" The Matriarch shot back at the Sealord, who was rendered speechless for a moment. "...Forgive me, Matriarch. Perhaps we should send some ships and fortify the northern waters?" Chuulan began to worry, for the Matriarch has been known to be overprotective of her nation when it comes to hostile situations, regardless of how trifling it may be. "No, send the Fleet of Fog to meet with the black ships, hold a parley to determine their goals." The look on Chuulan's face nearly fell into dismay upon hearing the commands, but she held hard enough to keep up her calm demeanor before replying; "Y-yes, Matriarch." [center][u][b]Hails from the South[/b][/u][/center] The southern sea winds blows strongly - easing the duo with the task of border patrol. What with them being able to glide without using more energy than needed for their lengthy job. One had a pair of wings with a greenish hue glistening under the sun, which obviously pointed out her uaru descent. The other one had pale brown wings, a nekhiig. "Did you know, there's a new catch that's the talk of the town? They look different from most of the delights from the sea, oddly different in shape and color." Narant, the uaru of the border patrol duo speaks up, hoping to ease the boredom and perhaps easily pass time. However, it is affectionately reciprocated with a silent stare from her partner, the nekhiig Bold. Stern enough to imply that she is disinterested in either the topic, or generally conversing. Regardless, her silent efforts remain futile. "They say the flesh has a most interesting taste; and it'll taste differently depending on how it's cooked!" The gleeful face of Narant resembles a child, with drool apparently flowing out from her lips. This annoys Bold a lot, but there's only so much to be done to avoid her partner - especially when they are gliding in midair with nary a land in sight other than their patrol ship anchored in the distant. Of course, there is one way to shut Narant up, but Bold was not keen in the idea of parting with her treasured snack; dried squid. "Then there's talk of how - mfgmghh," right before Narant could continue her sentence, Bold stuffs her entire savings of dried squid into Narant's mouth - effectively silencing her for good. What can be heard is now the delicious chewing and lip smacking from her partner. Judging from the looks of Bold's face, she begins to regret her actions. Tempted to retrieve her beloved snack from the grasps of her partner, the sighting of a sea vessel from the south stops her from doing so. "Narant, look..." Bold points towards a singular ship, with the flag of the southern Unitary States of Freywyn flying. "Iffn't fffat ffeyffin?" Narant tries to speak, but her mouth is still full with delight. Bold nods briskly and motions to approach the vessel. The duo lands onto the vessel in relative peace. The ship is manned with humans - obviously larger and taller than themselves. Coupled with tales of horror depicting the cruelty of humans as told by their ancestors, this makes Narant feel even more insecure. Her chewing rhythm quicken, as she tries to swallow the tough dried treat. She decides to hold onto her strung bow, with fingers faintly touching the feathers of her arrows; tightly packed in the quiver. Bold however is a fearless fellow. Straightening her posture and her spear while presenting her buckler with the emblem of Uaruneria etched, she spoke eloquently in the tongue of man; "These are waters claimed by Uaruneria. What business have you here?" [center][u][b]Avian Cousins[/b][/u][/center] With the departure of the queen to the Achnon Republic, the Matriarch will be handling all affairs relating to the nation for the moment. It wasn't for long that an issue needing the attention of the queen was presented. A letter from the far eastern corner has arrived in the form of an exceptionally tall horean messenger, making every uaru or nekhiig seem as if dwarves to their stature. She read with much pleasure to see a gesture of alliance, promising prosperity between two nations. A trade pact will be formed between them and their eastern avian neighbors. [hider=Replies to Bahapore] Lord Geward, Representative of the People of Bahapore. I apologize as the queen is currently unable to provide you with a response. I, Sarantsa Uiun Odval will be replying the letter in her highness' stead. Uaruneria agrees with a trade pact and the alliance. Our merchant ships filled with the finest fish and glittering pearls will reach your lands in exchange. Know that Uaruneria will provide military assistance should Bahapore face hostilities, and we hope you will return the favor as well. With regards, Sarantsa Uiun Odval, Matriarch of the Phoenix.[/hider] A mark of the Matriarch was pressed onto the parchment, signifying that it was replied instead by the matriarch than the queen. With that, the parchment was entrusted to the towering horean messenger.