Malcolm overlooked the Parliament and realized that there was only one choice of him now. As unthinkable as the situation was, he now had to accept the position the General had brought to him. He stood before his audience when he announced, "Regrettably it would seem that circumstances have brought me to this position. Understand that I have no prior ambition to take this position, but without a leader we will not be able to maintain a secure government. As conditions now stand, I shall take up my position as Interim President for the Earth Sphere United Nations." He brought about the final moments of the meeting when he thanked, "Thank you for your time General. If you have any information on the President's mission we hope that it will be safe to issue." He gave his final announcement, "The meeting is now adjourned until the communications have been repaired. Once complete we shall begin our talks with the Coalition." With the meeting at its conclusion the representatives made their way to the exit while Hyrum reminded them of their duty, “Be sure to return by sundown. We’ll have the communications back up by then.” It wasn’t long before the meeting hall had been cleared and Hyrum saw a few meeting of citizens to Brussels to give the city at least an air of calm that had been lost. Malcolm was forced to consider what he had recently accepted while considering what General Ulbricht permitted to be known. “Madame Yuy. We still have the common enemy to face while this war continues. I shall require your full support as this comes to pass.” Relena understood his concern when she explained, “I understand that you have led the First Priority Party for the past few years Mr. Hunter. Do not concern yourself however, we only need to convince the new leader of the Coalition that we desire an end.” Malcolm was relieved when he thanked, “Thank you. Hopefully it won’t be long before we end this war.” He made his leave with the others while carrying a critical question in mind. He hoped if Klaus was in a close environment he might be able to obtain more direct answers. Before the General had begun to make his exit, Malcolm found his way towards him with a gesture of welcome from his stretched out hand. He met eye contact with Klaus when he asked him, “I should like to know General, did you have any prior information of the Sol Thero mobile dolls prior today? If the Parliament did not have any information, the President must have permitted it at some point.” He did his best to not remind what a significant cover-up this would pass for, especially if it managed to slip by Representative Mumelj herself. Relena began to leave with Heero while “It seems that we have finally met with my brother’s children.” Heero agreed when he answered, “Not really how I expected to meet my niece but it seems like this war will permit anything to pass.” Relena showed her disappointment when she reminded, “I would have wished for them to meet in a peaceful time. But they at least seem to offer help for our boy.” Heero knew it was a proper moment when he placed his good arm on her shoulders and assured, “If this war ends soon, we may have a chance of ending it soon. We’ll all be able to enjoy one another’s company as it was meant to be.” Relena was comforted when she heard these words and decided to have her husband act on his promise. “Until then, you’re going to keep to our agreement.” Heero embraced Relena slightly before he confirmed, “Of course.” The two made their way out headed for the infirmary. Mercurio saw the communications systems atop the Parliamentary Building being repaired while he made his way through the streets. It was a difficult to handle all of the things that had happened in the past few hours but he now had a chance to see the capital city of Brussels have a chance to be free from enemy occupation. It would be a peace long overdue but a peace to only last a short time. As he searched the streets for issues in the city he saw Milou and Donna together when he heard Naina was missing at some point. He managed to overhear them discussing what had happened earlier in the war until it reached the question of who had died, both Milou losing Sally and Donna losing her mother. At one point in the conversation he saw Milou was offering some form of assurance for Donna. Both of them clearly needed the moment. After their group was together for as long and as adventurous the journey had been, connections like these were all but inevitable. He couldn't help but remember everything he had attempted to be for Donna though. With all he had been through she managed to remain dedicated to every mission while having an independent attitude towards the approach. She was a fighter as much as he was and every bit as much of a worthy pilot. As late as he had come though, Milou managed to show he was far from a toss away item as well. And he offered something Mercurio wasn't able to it seemed. It was a few moments before he recognized what Milou was able to offer what Mercurio wasn't. "Perhaps I couldn’t relate after all. I haven’t even experience loss it seems like." As he said that aloud he began to wonder to himself, did he really want to hope for sympathy from someone else at the expense of another? He remembered how he had almost lost his mother today while his father was critically injured. He remembered his status as a soldier and made his way further down the streets while he offered a quiet prayer to the Parliamentary Building, "Keep leading them Mom. Dad. I'll make sure not everything you fought for is lost.” Dana followed Instructor W towards the makeshift mobile suit garage while the repairs rang through the wide open area. When she was asked to observe the container from Lunar Development Sciences she tried to find something indicating its contents. Dana made a sweep over the container and only managed to find a label confirming its origin. There didn’t seem to be anything offering indication but Dana decided the contents would only be determined once opened. She shook her head when she answered, “Sorry. Can’t say any late arrivals were planned. Not sure if those guys on Luna had anything special planned but seems like there’s only one way to find out.” The management arms began their work on removing the lids from the containers and in a short time Dana was able to look in with a deal of enthusiasm of what she was offered. Within were several plates of shields designed for a Gundam use judging from the ES-03 number on one of the shoulders while a new engine stood out from the others. | It was later in the day when Oleg managed to bring himself out of his deep sleep. When he finally came to his consciousness he saw he was in a friendly base camp that both he and Tano had been looking for. He sat up to look around and found a plate of standard military food next to his bed stand. He didn’t even bother with the taste, he was only glad something got rid of the weak feeling his body had to endure. He was only glad there wasn’t anyone nearby when he stood up, he didn’t want to answer any questions at the moment. When Oleg made his way out of the room he searched for signs of fellow Coalition soldiers as well as the man who saved him. To his initial curiosity he found Tano waiting outside the other hall but couldn’t guess that he was his superior. He only recognized it to be so when he spotted the Coalition insignia with his rank below. He saluted, “Afternoon Lieutenant. Say, could you tell me where we are? I kind of lost track when we made our way towards the edge of the forest.”