As Matthew hurried on ahead, Jules had to run at a light jog to catch up with him, slowing as he kept pace by his brother's side. "Matthew! What the hell? This is my engagement, not yours! Why are insisting on being the center of attention, especially now?! It is incredibly rude, and don't even try to wriggle out of it by claiming ignorance to Brynmor customs, because even an insect would interpret your actions as childish!" Jules hissed under his breath once they were out of earshot of the princess. Matthew did not reply, instead stopping and smiling as the princess, who had now fallen fairly far behind, called out, asking for them to walk slower. As she took her time catching up, Matthew turned back to Jules, his stupid and happy face melting away to reveal a deadly serious one beneath it. "Something has just come to my attention. Jules, be careful, I believe there may be more than politics at work here." he murmured cryptically, retuning to his previous demeanor as the princess caught up. "So sorry, Jules wanted to have a moment of privacy with me. Apparently I was being a little overbearing. But, I have just remembered, that there is some work that desperately requires my attention, father will have my head if I mess it up, so I will be leaving you two love birds alone for now. Sorry to miss lunch, but I'll see you again at dinner, and we can talk all we want then. Adieu, brother, sister, um, you." he said, saying goodbye to each of them, fumbling over what to call Evan, before hurrying off. "H-Hey, wait, Matt!" Jules called, thoroughly confused by what had just happened. What was going on with Matthew? He glanced over at the remaining pair, giving a nervous laugh, rubbing he back of his head. "U-Um, m-my apologies. He usually isn't like this at all..." he tried not to mumble, but trailed off, shaking his head. "U-Um... Anyways, I-I'm not exactly the best at giving tours. I got lost on the way to the garden just two weeks ago, actually. In fact, I'm a little lost right now..." he looked around, feeling deeply embarrassed as he gathered his surroundings. "J-Just a joke! I know exactly where we are. Um, th-this way to the bacon- I-I mean, the balcony! Heh, a-another joke, I guess..." he stammered, falling into a slower pace beside the princess and her mysterious bodyguard, looking down in his shame. What a joke indeed... He was making a complete fool of himself, and Matthew switching between acting like he was four and forty certainly didn't help a good first impression. She had to think he was an idiot, or worse, that he was impaired somehow, in his speech or in his mind.