[b]House[/b] House Martell of Dorne [b]House Leader[/b] Prince Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear [b]House Members[/b] Prince Oberyn "The Red Viper" Martell (Brother to Prince Doran) Arianne Martell (Heir to Sunspear) The Sand Snakes (The eight bastard daughters of Ellaria and Oberyn) Quentyn Martell (Doran's eldest son) Ellaria Sand (Oberyn's Paramour) Ser Manfrey Martell (Castellan of Sunspear) [b]Lesser Generals[/b] Areo Hotah (Captain of the Guard) Ser Deziel Dalt (Knight of Lemonwood) Lord Anders Yronwood (The Bloodroyal, Warden of the Stoneway) Lord Dagos Manwoody (Lord of Kingsgrave) Lord Harmen Uller (Lord of Hellholt) Ser Daemon Sand (Arianne's sworn shield, the Bastard of Godsgrace) [b]Special Unit[/b] Javelin Knights [indent][i]Heavily armored mounted warriors who wield needle sharp javelins and strike with the ferocity of vipers. Though they are effective against lightly armored infantry and cavalry, their points are turned away by the better accoutred.[/i][/indent]