It was first just a quick pop over to his room; Roland kept all his movies on his private terminal, so without picking a single one to watch, he was going to be busy downloading every single file on there aimlessly. It was there that his personal V.I. kicked in. Re-purposing the pilot V.I. he had found from his shuttle hijacking on Omega into a personal security measure and search engine was more of a programming feat than he was capable of, so he was just lucky that Tzvi was willing to help after he had sent her that movie. "What's up, sugar?" Of course, the quarian never did remove its speech patterns like he had asked, and had in fact made them all the more embarrassing. "Er, nothing?" It went without saying that the human had a hard time imagining a conversation with a program, but such was life in space it seemed. "All I need is a kung-fu movie. Something older, from the late 1970s preferably." The screen went blank before a rotating half-circle appeared on the screen- "What's those secret words then, sugar?" Roland groaned; he was really beginning to hate his teammate's sense of humor. "If you would please... [i][b]honey-dumpling[/i][/b]." He could hear Tzvi laughing despite her being no where near him. "Got it, sugar. Just give me one more quick sec, okay?" ~~~ A few quick strokes from his fingers to his omni-tool led to the movie being displayed and played on the lounge's big television instantaneously. Roland had settled in on one arm of the couch with a soda and some bag of what he guessed were salty potato chips (it certainly didn't help that Steveo incessant paranoia had him repackaging all food that came on the ship. "Lest the coffee finds its mark," Steveo had said when Roland had asked for an explanation). He would have preferred some buttered popcorn, but for some reason it was exorbitantly pricey anywhere you could buy it except for on Earth. Roland was only a few scenes in when Kosso's lovely drell face came to bother him. "It was," the medic said, "Granted, this movie is also nearly two centuries..." He looked a the bottle of ale that had been tossed to him -- it didn't have a label, so he was guessing it was the salarian's -- before placing it unopened on the coffee table in front of them. "So, I'm guessing by the way you're sitting, and the beer that's in your hand that you aren't joining the boarding party as well? The [i]Aurelion[/i] knock a little too much out of you too?" He was being careful with his questions. He knew Kosso was the last person to want anyone aboard the ship to know anything about his past, but he also knew how to pick up on the little things -- slight shifts in tones, minor fidgeting movements, the little expressions which reveal more of what you're feeling than you would ever let on -- and that had been a problem in their interactions since their last training session. "Ah, don't worry about it," he had said returning his attention to the screen, "You can just help me get some mnemonics down by watching this movie with me... My own sort of training session as it were." He let out a hesitant chuckle.