[b][i]Kingdom of Belmorn[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] King Marhorn Dryadson I (Elven) and Queen Alistine III (Human) [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 2 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 2 [b]Population:[/b] 80,000 humans/45,000 Elves/10,000 Half-Elves [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<600 Elves>/ - /<1,000 Humans>// - /<3,000 Elven Militia>/// [/indent] [b]Population Happiness:[/b] 75% [b]Imports:[/b] Cattle (Erimir) [b]Exports:[/b] Wheat (Jouria), Lumber (Erimir) [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] [b]Trade Pacts:[/b]Erimir [b]Cease Fires:[/b] Jouria [/hider] [center][u][b]All Hail, Queen Alistine III[/b][/u][/center] Today, both the Elven and Human population of the Kingdom of Belmorn releases a collective sigh, for the long awaited crowning ceremony has finally taken place. Queen Alistine III, a small and delicate figure of porcelain skin, emerald eyes and bark-coloured hair formally received her regal authorities outside the Temple of Charity in Fengarde. This has come as a surprise, as coronations have always taken place within the bounds of Hadelmere – and never without the presence of King Dryadson, who has ruled Belmorn since before the land was torn asunder. The ceremony was an austere affair, and many feel this was the Queen’s attempt to symbolise her solidarity with the families of both races struggling with everyday existence. To underline her efforts, she donated 300 gold pieces to the poorer districts of Fengarde, with the intent of bolstering the broken finances of the peoples there. A further 200 gold pieces she handed over to the Elves who have fled the city in recent days. The Kingdom of Belmorn, though formely a well-to-do province of the Bohaddon Empire, is not a wealthy nation and this figure must surely have hit the coffers of House Ferren hard. Nevertheless, this act of generosity has garnered her immediate support from the working classes – but some anger in the upper gentry, who will be expected to follow her lead. After accepting the crown, and fulfilling the customary oath taking duties, she left immediately for the City Hall to reveal the first royal decrees of her reign. Meanwhile, the entire country, more so in the Fengarde region, have broken out into festivities. Halflings from Erimir have brought their circuses and their gimmicks, and the population have been awed by this rare treat. Taverns have slashed the price of ale and wine to capitalise in this joyous occasion. The Elves are celebrating too, but in their much more reserved way. Small tranquil meetings of fine foods and wines have overrun Hadelmere’s balconies, and the streets are merry with the murmurs, rather than cheers, of excitement. The Halfling entertainment has been less effective on the Elves, whom look upon such things as a waste of time, but a small portion of the population have delighted feverously in the martial tournaments hosted by their Halfling visitors. Most however, are just curious about the Halflings and are keener to hear their bards sing their ballads of the days that preceded Bohaddon’s Fall. [center][u][b]The Half-Elf Protection and Anti-Discrimination Act, Royal Decree 391 [/b][/u][/center] Speaking from the steps of the rather modest thatch and plaster of Fengarde’s City Hall, Queen Alistine III announced to the gathered crowds the first decree of her reign: “My people, my beautiful people. We have come a long way, us and the Elf-kind, who we must not forget, saved us in our greatest hour of need. I was two years of age at the time of the Empire’s undoing, and cannot recall the horror and uncertainty that ruled those days. However, I have read from many sources, and have spoken to many of those who were alive to witness, and are still alive to witness. My conclusion? The terrible divide that has arisen in recent years to undo the works of the great King Dryadson I, and my much beloved father, King Alfran, has been allowed to grow far too wide. We have harbored thoughts of distrust against the Elves, thoughts of malice and of hatred. We see them as different, we see them as inferior – and look to Fengarde’s rapidly increasing size as proof of this. Humans are the rulers of the world. They held the High Throne of Bohaddon for four hundred years, and they conquered the known world in half that time. But refrain from this, I implore you and I beg you, refrain from this path. We Humans are a unique race, yes, and we have had our history of achievements – absolutely, yes. But sided with this beautiful history, is a much darker streak to our character. Infighting, judgement, rashness, anger… lust. We must have the courage, to understand that we are fallible and flawed, and that if it were not for the superior compassion and wisdom of our Elven brothers and sisters, not many of us would be here today to bask in the glorious Spring sun. I ask you then, as not just my subjects, but as people, fallible and flawed, to have the courage to look within yourselves. To search out your hateful thoughts, and to base them on reason – to base them on logic. You will find that after this exercise, very few thoughts remain with any real credit to their existence. And so, now I come to the darkest chapter of Belmorn’s history. The Half-Elven kind. The freaks. The Monsters. The traitors’ spawn. What, I ask you, my beautiful people, dark lesson have you received to teach you this nonsense? Look at them, look at them hard. Are they not just people? Are they not the product of the greatest union the world has ever seen? To think there are those of us, of both peoples, who love each other enough to merge the blood of races, is a thought that keeps my heart beating. To think that there are those of us, who either through ignorance, malice or perhaps even boredom, descend upon these people – and their children, their innocent children – with fire and blade stops it dead. From this day on, to this practice, and to these ways, I say no more! From this day on, any man or woman found to be carrying on this barbaric cancer that has inflicted our society, will be treated in kind. Outcast, thrown to the wind, to enjoy the cold embrace of the lands beyond our borders. They will be branded as hateful, as ignorant and as useless. Those who forbid Half-Elves and their parents from purchasing services, or from seeking work, will be stripped of their possessions. They will be cast out, for they are not my subjects, they are not my beautiful people, and they deserve nothing from me – not even my mercy. I here by decree, that you will all find the nearest Half-Elf, or his or her parents, and you will embrace them physically and emotionally. This madness ends, and it ends now. No more discrimination. No more hateful crimes against those who are different. No more division. Through unity we thrive, and through unity we weather the coming storms of the Orysson subcontinent.” Queen Alistine III’s speech was received with a thunderous applause. Though there are elements within Fengarde who are unlikely to give up their racist ways, they have been dealt a stinging blow, and will now be forced to operate underground rather in broad daylight. The Half-Elven population, as beleaguered as it is, is treating the Queen’s decree with caution. Though she herself seems understanding and progressive, their treatment has taught them that some people are just beyond reason… or Royal Decrees. [center][u][b]Queen Alistine III Orders the Reforming of the Rangers[/b][/u][/center] With much less drama, and much less words, Queen Alistine III has ordered for the reforming of the Rangers. The Rangers were an elite force of human warriors, standing even with the fabled Glade Watchers, that had long kept the border lands safe from raids during her father’s reign. They were disbanded after the last war with Jouria, in which many of them lost their lives, and the survivors failed to represent a combat effective unit. It appears the Queen feels that alongside compassion, there must be iron also. The mustering is believed to take three weeks of rigorous training, but most recruits will already have the most desired skills of archery and fieldcraft. So far the Queen has made no hint of joining her co-Monarch, King Dryadson I, with his endeavours on the Elslen borders. [center][u][b]The Sombre Tear of an Elven King [/b][/u][/center] The envoys sent to Elslen to establish basic negotiations with Orc slavers over their barbaric ways have met an untimely end. A covered basket containing four severed Elven heads were delivered to the King’s camp by Elslen slaves. It is said he shed a tear over the sight of his dismembered kinsmen, and it is apparent he blames their deaths on his actions. He has retired to his quarters, where it is rumoured he plans for war. A Rider has left the King’s camp for the Erimir Republic, carrying a coded message only he can translate.