Like NĂ«is, Ignia decided that she would stay on the deck. For now, she was free to do whatever she wanted, and she had slept on much worse than whatever was waiting for her below, she was sure. There was no way she was going to spend more time down there than was necessary. Instead, she leaned over the side and watched the water as she had before meeting the crew. Her mind thought back to them and her opinions. For most, they weren't noteworthy, except one. The boy with hair like hers. He was strange... there was something about him, though she couldn't put her finger on it. The one before him though, she decided she'd need to stay away from. Ignia knew a hungry gaze when she saw one, and there was no way that Solomon was getting anywhere near as long as he was looking at her like that. Finally, her thoughts drifted to the captain. He was strange. The look on his face when she'd introduced himself made it clear that she wasn't expected to act like that, which was by far a relief. Ignia had never enjoyed the submissiveness that came with being Mr. Octave's slave. She was in no way outgoing or fierce, but neither was she quiet so... obedient. She was just Ignia, and that was someone that not many people truly knew. The dogs were another thing. In her experience, if someone treats their pets right, they tend to also treat their slaves right. Not always, but many times. Ignia closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath of the sea air. If the captain was in fact who she had gathered, then she was as free as she'd ever get, just by being here. This was enough to draw a smile from the girl. Her arms stretched towards the sky, fingers locked together, in a silent prayer. [i]Please let me continue to feel this way tomorrow.[/i]