[*][b][u]Human[/b][/u]:[/*] [*]Name: Tatsuko Yamada. "Tatsu" in-game.[/*] [*]Age: 14, real and in-game.[/*] [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=954791]"I stole a sign post! Best glitch ever!"[/url][/*] [*]Personality: Friendly and optimistic, Tatsuwas always the type to aggressively befriend everyone she met, always seeming to default to a state of "we've always been friends" with them. While this does mean she has trouble keeping a grudge, she also trusts that everyone and everything will come through and meet her expectations, no matter what. Furthermore, despite her friendly nature, she's also somewhat petty and stubborn. Seeing herself as a wise, leader-type kind of person, she hates her judgment being challenged. Even if she escalates situations, Tatsu can be quick to apologise... when she forgets the reason for her anger an hour or so later.[/*] [*]Digivice: [url=http://dreamtoy.co.th/upload/product/Digivice%20Blue.jpg]A grey version of this.[/url] [*][b][u]Digimon[/b][/u]:[/*] [*]Species: BlackAgumon[/*] [*]Nickname: None[/*] [*]Evolutionary Stages: Botamon > Koromon > BlackAgumon > Monochromon > MetalGreymon (Virus) > BlackWarGreymon[/*] [*]Other Forms:[/*] Man, that one bullet point just does not want to get fixed.