Sometimes, many lives can be turned upside down by one person's actions, one person's bad choice. (Your character) was popular. The life of the party, she was well-loved and adored by everyone she came into contact with. A real "party girl", she loves drinking, smoking and just generally loving life in her own way. One night, however, all this goes wrong. Going back from a house party with one of her friends, they are involved in a car wreck. She is left with scaring to her face, as well as loss of an arm. Her confidence is destroyed by this. Her family hardly visit her, and her friends completely stop coming to see her. (My character) is quite shy and timid, having grown up being constantly bullied for various things, from his many phobias, to his social anxiety. He grew up in foster care, along with his older sister. He is slowly loosing his sight, due to a genetic illness. As such, he is only a few months away from being completely blind. The two meet up during one of his trips to hospital, and starting to talk, she finds herself smiling for the first time in weeks. When she lives hospital, his sister offers her the opportunity to move into their spare bedroom. And that's all I have. We could work together from there. Pm me if interested? :)