Felicity skipped through the corridors of the [i]Archangel[/i]-Class ship whistling showtunes as she did so. She had no real goal or motive except that she had felt like skipping, and so now she was. She got strange looks from almost everyone she passed on the ship, most had never met her before, or at the very least certainly weren't used to her rather 'unorthodox' behavior. Seeing a teenage girl dressed up like a commando skipping through an advanced warship wasn't a normal sight to anyone. She was just passing a pair of NCOs going the opposite direction as her when the ship came under fire. The ship rocked violently and the two NCOs both fell to the ground, just catching themselves and extending their arms to mitigate the fall in time to prevent any kind of serious injury. However, Felicity while caught off-guard managed to keep her footing, she adjusted for the ship's violent shaking and even managed to continue skipping in such a manner you wouldn't have noticed her missteps if you weren't looking for them or already knew they were there. While to the average observer it would appear that she had not been affected by the ship coming under attack, in fact her entire demeanor changed. She continued to skip, outwardly just as merrily as before, but her pace increased significantly as she mentally mapped out the fastest route that would take her to the ship's hangar. She wasn't sure if the hangars had been damaged or even if her Mobile Suit was still intact or ready to launch, but even if it wasn't, she had little doubt that she would be pressed into combat regardless, as far as she was aware, she was the only Extended aboard the ship after all. So unless the threat did not warrant risking the investment she represented, her superiors would want to utilize her abilities to the fullest extent possible. She offered a stark contrast to the chaos that surrounded her as sirens blared, and crew members ran frantically to get to their posts. She drew the attention of many, and the ire of some, unable to understand how someone could be acting so casually happy while the ship was under attack. It was no different when she arrived at the starboard hangar bay either, many of the personnel stopping for a moment to as the girl approached them, skipping as though nothing was amiss, and still whistling as well though it was drowned out by many other noises at this point.