"Perhaps I need to put this experiment off" Roban thought, fooling around in his cabinets until he came across a furiously foul smelling odor emitting from a small vial, capped and sealed in some sort of wrap. After staring at it in confusion, he was struck by a sudden epiphany. His lack of sleep has clouded his long term memory, for he had created a elixir just for his cancelation of his research. It was composed of multiple stomach acids from the most piousness of reptiles. While the stomach glands themselves aren't poisons, they have a natural antioxidant that can help with sleep deprivation, often used to keep the prey from falling asleep while in the stomachs of the predators. "No, no that doesn't make sense, its not true" Roban yelled. He went to plucking the cork off the top of the vial and dousing his hair in the fluids, the smell was heavily repulsive. His nose hairs shivered in the grotesque presence of the smell. His fingers grew numb and his craving for tea quickly faded to a craving for the practice of hygiene. For who in the damned world could wish upon such a repulsive smell on someone, forget lack of sleep, he had no hopes of ever going back to sleep after smelling what he just smelled. "Forgive me lord for I have sinned, I have dabbled in the science and went directly against your laws. I have stolen, assaulted and" Roban paused, his entire body stiff from the chemical sapping into his scalp like a intruding virus. His urge to bite his hand off slowly dissipated and he quickly recollected an important task handed down to him by the good ol cap. "Oh my, I should be meeting with the group" Dr recalled, dousing his head in a more pleasant smelling liquid, cancelling out the smell of the other, leaving his scalp smelling like a newborn puppy. With that epidemic out of the way the Doctor set off for the group, with his tea in hand and a very strong smile.