Keep in mind that I RP with a CASUAL mindset. I would appreciate at least a paragraph and ZERO one-liners. If PMing me (which would be AWESOME), please title it something CREATIVE so that I don't get a bunch of similarly titled PMs. Plots in hiders mean that I am already doing this RP, but if you would like to do it, I would appreciate if you add a twist. Doing repeats are a bit boring, after all. The pairings I tend to stick with are male/male or female/male. I don't do woman on woman and I am sorry if you were looking for that ): --- [hider=>>]In the small town of Parkwidth there is a tall tower where the greatest dark warlock of all time resides. He's been silent for a few years, though, and people are assuming he's brewing something huge and super evil, and heroes from all around are coming to try and behead him before harm befalls the world. But... as it turns out, the warlock is dead. Like a phoenix, he regenerated and is now a small wizard with no recollection of what he did before or what he is destined to do. The first hero to come and kill him sees he is only a child and ends up becoming the child's body guard instead, trying to lead him to the path or goodness. (I call role of the kid because I love playing kids. Also this won't turn into any lovey-dovey thing, mostly just badass fighting other heroes and peaceful living. Will probably start with our characters meeting for the first time and their gradual friendship.)[/hider] [hider=>>]Some high school love involving four people minimum to unleash full length drama[/hider] [hider=>>]A high school love with just two people- the straight laced honor roll student that's been the school's number one since the dawn of time, and the transfer student who's good looking, athletic, and skips classes. But then beats the nerd on exams and becomes number one in academics and sports. One sided fighting ensues and maybe love; probably by playing some dumb game where the first one to fall in love loses. Or maybe the transfer straight up confesses i dunno.[/hider] [hider=>>]Dreams. When the guy sleeps he always meets the same fairy-like woman or mermaid or whatever. On a boring trip to the grocery store one day he meets the person of his dreams- literally- but whoops surprise surprise it's a boy. And whaddaya know, turns out they (live in the same apartment complex area/ go to the same college/ work at the same place). A tale of awkwardness, bromance, and maybe budding romance who knows. We'll probably add the look-a-like's twin sister and the dreamer will be confused with his feelings. Who knows.[/hider] >>A group of demon teens who like to play games and the newest fad is making humans fall in love with them and then eating them. We can go however we want with this. [hider=>>] We live in a world where a countdown is carved onto your wrist to the time you encounter your soulmate. Enter someone whose numbers stopped moving a while ago and someone whose countdown shows that they will never find their soulmate until well into their old old age.[/hider] >> AI nekos are created as pets for the public. A girl(or boy) who absolutely doesn't want one (thinks it degrading of the pets) ends up getting one as a surprise from her parents. The neko ran away from the company because he wanted to be free, ends up being found by the woman one stormy day. Upon arrival at her home, finds out that he was the neko meant to belong to her, and whenever he disobeys/does something that may trouble her, he gets shocked. Trouble ensues when she accidentally makes small orders (i.e. "I wish they'd just leave me alone) and the neko trying hard not to but ending up accidentally going out of his way to fulfill her wishes (i.e. taking out whoever "they" is in the lady's wish) >> Anything involving that universe above^^ >> A Harry Potter based RP between OCs. While Harry and the gang are off saving the world, there are terrified students that turn to drugs and sexual company to try and distract themselves from the problem. Basically a different side to the pure story, preferably either during the period in which kids were getting petrified left and right or perhaps the book after Harry says Voldemort comes back. >>Harry Potter based RP taking place after the whole Voldemort jazz. Rather than in the school, however, we'll focus more on the graduates and what they're doin with their lives. Either we make a bunch set up in different areas or we just set up shop in like Diagon Alley or something, your call. And, if you really wanna add some danger, feel free to make an idea for a bad guy or something. >>Names. As important as they are, it's hard to define yourself just by your name. Introducing two people with the same unique first name and last name, with very different nicknames. Scully "Babyface" Vagabond is in junior high and is bullied because of his effeminate looks. Scully "Wildchild" Vagabond is a high schooler with no friends, for his special mindset that gets him into fights has people straying from him. When these two, by chance, meet at a park, a strange friendship blossoms.