Thomas smiled slightly at Darius's remark, pulling out his pistol and checking it himself too. "That makes two of us. It isn't much of a surprise that we have been expanding so quickly, even for our short time in space." Thomas said to the ex-mercenary, putting back his pistol in its holster. "No, us humans have our stubborn ways of reaching our goals, just like us Irishmen back on Earth. Anyway, back to the weapons, I doubt you'll need a silencer down there. From what I understand about the planet, highly unlikely we'll find intelligent life down there, most likely just the regular bacteria that survives the harsh climate. And let's hope that I don't prove myself wrong down there." He scratched his eye-patch, grinning a little bit as he felt a small spike of pain come back, even for his medication. "And between the two of us, refer to me as Lieutenant O'Connol, not One-Eye, okay? It's not a name I take pride in, and don't ask why, and don't believe what Rane tells you."