Danny and River Danny had been sitting in the grass before the garden for sometime now. After eating the apple he grew out of the ground, he finished the meal he retreaved from the cafeteria and laid out in the sun. He could feel his body absorb the Vitamin D the sun was giving off, the rays sinking into his pores. His body was much like a plant. He needed the sun and water to keep himself from becoming weak and turning an unsightly green color. It only took Danny awhile to notice someone had joined him by the gardens. He was sure he'd seen this boy before. River was it? He had been here before the vacation. The two of them never really spoke, but they acknowledged each other. River was a bit shy and never really had anything to say to him. Danny thought he himself was shy, but there were some worse off than him. Who could blame them. Living in a world where no one accepts you can make you a bit anti-social. Taking the initiative, Danny turned his body towards the dark haired boy and waved. "Hey! Why didn't you say anything when you came up? You're just sitting there being quiet." Danny chuckled a bit, taking a few sips from his water container. "River is it?" Being the first one to start a conversation was different. Usually others approached him. But with two shy people, someone had to break the ice. At first, River didn't pay much attention to what was happening around him as the music blasted into his ears on a rather high volume. However as the voice continued, he turned to see if it was directed towards him and sure as it was, River was the one who was about to partake in the conversation. He brought his hand up to the headset and gently pulled it off, allowing it to rest against his neck as he spoke. "Oh, hi." He replied. River honestly didn't expect Danny to communicate with him but this was a new year after all, a new semester. Anything was bound to happen. As if answering his latest thought, a girl fell from the tree and quickly caught River's attention. He watched the scene unfold with wide eyes and didn't quite know how to act when a presumed stalker falls down before your feet. "I...didn't..." He continued, attempting to answer Danny's question but was rather dumbfounded with the new addition. Not long after did a second girl appear and the garden quickly grew rather crowded. River's lack of social skills left him with but one option, to be silent and watch this play out. At least that other girl took over but how would a person react in a situation like this? Danny knew this would probably be pointless as River didn't bother to really answer him. He then noticed that he had headphones in and probably couldn't really hear him. He was about to wave his hands again when River noticed him suddently. With his soft spoken "Oh hi" response, Danny couldn't help but laugh a little. Is this what others thought of Danny? Timid and soft spoken? Danny was about to say something when a girl fell from a tree and practically landed on another girl that was there. He was surprised he never noticed them come outside. Whenever Danny was in his own little world, he had a habit of blocking everything else out. When it came to him and nature, the tree always won. Danny himself didn't know how to respond to the girls before him. Next thing he knew, there were a bunch of people outside and kind of killed the quiet atmosphere of everything. He sighed heavily, trying to regain his focus. He noticed River hadn't really answered him, but became flustered instead. It seemed like everything that happened was just too much for him. Danny moved his eyes from side to side, whistling and looking awkward before trying to restart the conversation. "Anyway..." Danny laughed awkwardly, turning at the scene that happened near the trees. "Looks like we have company huh?" When all else fails, try to make something funny; if indeed that person had a sense of humor. "So you ready for the new semester or what?" As Danny continued to speak, River decided to turn his attention towards him rather than the rather unexpected scene taking place in the front. "Yeah..." He nodded slightly at Danny's question and looked down. River did hope to become an X-Man one day, to be part of those heroes. That was a rather distant dream though, and what he had to focus on now was just doing well in school. He wasn't a very good student, but that wasn't because he didn't try, but rather because he wasn't prime school material. This was the part where he was supposed to follow up with a question of his own. He was supposed to ask Danny the same thing, that's how common courtesy worked. "You?" He managed, avoiding Danny's eyes. "Wooow. One word responses. You sure are talkative today. Tell me more," Danny teased, winking at him. Danny knew he wasn't this bad towards others. Maybe this year he'd be the more outgoing and fun type. "I'm actually a teacher's assistant this year so I'll be helping out in the classroom. Biology to be exact." Danny didn't know exactly how he felt about being semi a part of staff, but the last thing he wanted was for the students to think he was just another teacher. He was still a student himself. He just loathed the day when a student might ask him to grow a little "Ganja" for them. He was surprised no one asked yet. "So in the future, he you never need any help with anything, you know who to find." Danny smiled warmly and looked down at the grass, playing with the blades in between his fingers. "So do you have a roommate this year? I think I'm with one of my close friends here. A slut he is," Danny said with a laugh. River blinked a few times at the mention of Danny's roommate and was reminded of the fact that he didn't know who his roommate was, yet. "I'll...find out." He replied, scratching the back of his head. So Danny's roommate was a slut. It nearly peaked River's curiosity as to what kind of person his roommate was. A mutant with crazy explosive powers or an everyday guy? Well, the latter didn't really exist in Xavier's School. It was a new piece of information which had been given when Danny explained his role as an assistant. Could students even do that? Appearently. "And...thanks." He was sure that he wouldn't need too much help in class, even though he wasn't getting straight As, but Danny was nice enough to offer. "Maybe one day..." River began, putting his hands together. "I can train for real...in the danger room." That's all he wanted to aquire. Well, it was as good a driving ambition as any, he supposed. A smile formed at the corner of Danny's mouth hearing River speak. He was rather adorable how soft spoken he was. He nodded his head a laughed a little. "Well I'm sure you'll be doing some sessions in the Danger Room this year. Every student has to be in there at least once to see where they stand." Danny turned away and sighed, drinking the rest of his water. "Well I better go inside and finish putting some of my stuff up. I'll see you around." Danny smiled and stood up, patting River on the shoulder as he walked passed him and back into the mansion, carrying his trash with him.