Nation Status Card [b][i]Bahapore[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: King Lorio and Hapore Council Rep. Lord Geward[/b] [b]Settlements Owned: 4[/b] # [b]Provinces Owned: 1[/b]# [b]Population: 250,000[/b]# [b]Standing Army:[/b] [indent] - /<8,500>/<2,500 spread along the southern border and 6,000 are on the Elthana western coast><90 %> - /<500>//<70 %> - /<1,000>/<400 are stationed at southern border. 500 at Elthana border and 100 moving to Elthana border><80 %>[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<# 20>/<# 10>/<# 5>/<80 %>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 75%[/b] [b]Imports: Cattle, Furs, Iron, and Bronze[/b] [b]Exports:Ships and Salt[/b] [b]Wealth: Average[/b] [b]Alliances: Achnon, Torfas, and Uaruneria[/b] [b]Trade Pacts: Achnon, Torfas, and Uaruneria[/b] [b]Cease Fires:[/b] [/hider] [b][u]The War on Elthana[/u][/b] “Krakons! Today we shall free our former lands from the hands of the elves! Today! We march on them and conquer their cities and rebuild it in our honor and glory.” Yells King Lorio, as he addresses the 6,000 fully armored Krakons in front of him. A massive cheer rises as scimitars rise into the air, gleaming in the moonlight. It was a cheer so loud that it could have been heard in Elthana. King Lorio turns around to address three Krakons dressed in shinning iron armor, engraved with pictures of battles. “Meet me in my tent, we shall be discussing the plan while our men are marching onto the ship.” says the king as he addresses the generals. “Ah, you have arrived General Gokern, I hope your brothers in arms arrive soon too.” says King Lorio who is sitting crossed legs and stares at General Gokern as he enters. “My king, what are your directions?” asks the general, his face barely changing. “We shall wait for your brothers to arrive.” Says King Lorio, as that very moment, two other Krakons dressed similar to General Gokern appear from the tent flap. “Ah, General Wuen and General Opear. We were just waiting for you to arrive.” “I’m sorry my king, we had held up addressing a few soldiers.” says the Krakon to the right, General Wuen. “Let’s begin,” says King Lorio as he sits on the rug and lays out a map. Looking up, he says “Please sit.” Once the general are seated in a circle around the map, he begins to speak again. “Ok, I shall be dividing the forces evenly between the three of you. There are three vital forts located on the coast of the island of Thenia that we must capture in order to gain a foothold on the island.” King Lorio points to three small circles on the western coast of a island map. “General Gokern shall be leading 2,000 troops on the most important attack, on the central fort, General Wuen will lead another 2,000 at the southern fort, and General Opear shall take the remaining 2,000 and capture the northern fort.” “Understood my king but what will we do next?” asks General Opear. “I was getting to that. Once general Wuem captures the southern fort, he shall set course with his remaining forces at the minor city of Southern Jorio.” King Lorio points to the lower of two circles on the middle of the island. “As he draws the attention of the local forces and the forces of Northern Jorio, General Opear will have sailed around the northern tip of the island where he will land on the coast just north of Northern Jorio. With the city abandoned and deserted of any military forces, it will be up for the grabs. Once the city is captured, General Opear will move south and trap the Elthanan forces between the two cities, crushing them. General Gokern has the most important role of the military campaign, he shall captured Singana, which is just north of the region capital. He shall captured the city and station his troops inside.The region capital which is expected to have the remaining forces will have mustered another 1,000-1,500. They will march on Singana. General Opear will remain at the Jorio cities with half of the forces. General Wuen shall take what is left over and march as quickly as possible for the city of Hora, which is expected to be left mainly defenseless. We shall crush the remaining Elthana forces of the region and by then the Torfas orcs should have taken the eastern island and we shall both march on the capital, us from the west and them from the east.” finishes King Lorio. “Now, any questions?” “Just one, when do we start?” says General Gokern as he smiles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Seize of Fort Thana[/b] The night was dark as the Krakons forces sailed along the open sea. The full moon was covered as the entire sky was blotted out with dark clouds, a small drizzled started, General Gorkern could barely see the fort as his ships sailed. “Sir! Our ships are ready to dock.” yells a krakon from the crow’s nest. “Tell them to get the ram ready! I want the gate down by the time we arrive on the battle field!” says General Gorkern. A few moments later, as General Gorken’s ship docks, the cries of battle are heard ahead. The Elthana forces were gravely outnumbered, nearly 10-1. “Men! Let’s show these Elves whos in charge!” yells General Gorkern, turning around, he unsheathes his iron sword and charges up the up battlefield. By the time he arrived at the gate, a few krakon bodies and elven bodies and swords and bows are littered on the ground. The gate itself was smashed to the ground. Charging into the fort, he sees that many elven bodies are littered on the ground and a few krakons too. He sees what seems like 200 elves fighting desperately against 2,000 krakons. It was a wonder that they haven’t surrendered yet. “We surrender!” shouts a voice from the dwindling group of elves. “Men! Stop, we shall not kill surrendered men!” Yells General Gorkern. He walks up to the elves as the fighting stops. His soldiers part as he passes. “I accept your surrender, you shall order all your men to lay down their weapons. All your supplies shall be gathered and carried to our ships. Understood?” he says to a random elf, but his voice echoes so loud that it seems as if he was speaking to everyone. The elf nods and turns around to repeat the order. As he walks back again, he sees his soldiers already scrambling around, cleaning up the fort and repairing it. A messenger suddenly appears, “Sir, General Wuen and General Opear have reported success on their missions. General Opear has already set sail for Northern Jorio and General Wuen is also setting sail for Southern Jorio.” “Good, I shall let my men rest before I set sail for Singana.”