[center][b]Dire Mountain - Floor 1[/b][/center] Titan's expression, unseen by any onlookers, changed only once throughout the whole battle. A grin formed on his face as he watched Whimsical handle himself professionally. Even as the male's health dwiddled down from the Field Boss's heavy blows, Titan's expression rang clear, as he was completely sure that his companion would win. And, if things didn't look too good...then his perch provided a great strategic advantage to finish the Centaur off. A few Dire Wolves stalked along the edge of the ridge Titan himself crouched on, but they simply skulked around the hulking figure, not moving too close in caution and fear of certain brutal, pixelated death. Titan gave the two wolves a nod of his helmeted head, two his surprise one of them nodded back, only to be bitten and scuffed by the Alpha of the tiny pack. A deep, rumbling chuckle echoed through the small mountainous ridge, before Titan turned his head back to the battle, just in time to see the boss get decapitated in a haze of blood-like pixels. He stood up, spear and shield strapped to his armored forearms instead of clenched strictly in his hands like before. Maybe a foolhardy thought process, and choice, but Titan felt that he could trust his barbarian friend - not indefinitely, of course, as this is a Death Game and everyone has hidden motives. But, he knew that he wouldn't be getting backstabbed or anything cowardly like that. At Whimsical's exclamation of triumph, Titan grinned, his lower, bearded face becoming visisble as the haze of ominous darkness drifted from his form. [b]"So it may seem, my friend!"[/b] he yelled back, his deep voice momentarily spooking the two observing Dire Wolves. The younger of the pack, the one who nodded to him earlier, lunged forward, only to meet the business end of Titan's spear, his body becoming skewered onto the weapon before exploding in a haze of particles. [b]"A new axe, hm? Did you happen to get some Horns as well?"[/b] he walked forward, bending down, almost like a bear about to leap, before blasting high into the air. Wind whistled through his helmet as gravity took hold, Titan dropping from the air and landing a feet or so away from Whimsical with a roaring crunch of cobble-stone. Standing up to his full, intimidating height, the Spartan gave his friend a nod. [b]"Smithing is useful, and I feel like creating myself a new spear, or improving on my current one. I offer gold, of course."[/b] As he spoke, the Dire Wolf from before lunged from the ridge above, only to slam maw-first into a gauntlet fist. Titan had turned around with his hand outstretched, catching the Wolf in his palm before slamming it into the stone ground, bringing a heavy foot up with surprising agility...and stomping the wolf's head into pixelated paste. [b]"Weaklings."[/b]