[quote=Boboclown89] "My father... hmm... he was killed when I was 10... I think it... it was during a hunt." he frowned slightly, remembering things from such a long time ago was difficult for him [/quote] "That is fine." Vlad assured the boy. "That will be all for today. You may do whatever you wish until it is time for group therapy." [quote=Sapphire] Kian shook her head, "If course there are reasons, you just haven't found the right ones. To a certain extent it's outside forces but most of the blame should fall on me. I am not the best judge of my own condition but I know that as a young child I had an obsession with power I could not hope to gain. It is for that reason that if you want to put a bracelet on my you'll have to do it by force." [/quote] "Then you do not get the list. Some of the powers are dangerous. The people who have them have had years to learn control. Some of them have agreed to be restricted for the safety of themselves and others. I will not give you weapons to use against others. For now you will stay out of the touching distance of the other students."