While Azren wanted to merely stand and stare at the water for the remainder of this ship ride, he knew it would be a bit suspicious for someone to fixate on it like that. Then again, maybe they could just cross it off as weird? He'd be staring at it a lot, far more than he would anyone or anything else, and with good reason too. With a light shake of his head he would swiftly followed a few of the other crew bellow decks. Maybe, just maybe he should have paid a bit more attention to names and what the captain had said. Just maybe. But like anyone, he wasn't stupid enough to go about stealing from others he had to sleep near. Hopefully. Sometimes instinct just took over, especially when shines were involved. Azren narrowed his gaze as he entered the sleeping room. Subconsciously he brought his left hand over towards his right, delicately tracing the tips of his fingers over the fresh, red scars that ran over the entirety of his right arm. In fact, they ran down his side and along his right leg, too. It was almost like a warpaint, far too bright to be an old scar, yet it had been years already. Though he had spent a great deal of time indoors, this room oddly did not feel like a cage as it should have. Maybe because it was on a boat and he knew there was water a mere few quick steps away? Suppressing a groan, he tosses a quick glance around. Two hammocks were already taken. Without waiting any further, Azren quickly stalks forward to the hammock nearest the exit, tossing his bag onto it. The bag would sink down quite a bit, showing just how heavy it really was. Though he had been around humans for some time, some things you never quite got use too. And this was where Azren failed completely. He suddenly slouched, staring blankly at the hammock he had chosen. Maybe sleeping on the floor was a better idea? How... just how did... Hrm. With a sudden determined shake of his head, Azren jolts forward and attempts to promptly hop on the hammock in one quick motion. And this was so far Azren's worst idea of the day. It takes not even a full five seconds as the eager young man lands on the supposed bed and flips right off of it, landing face first onto the floor with a loud thud and a creak from the plank. He did not make even a sound of pain, while it might have hurt, it really wasn't significant enough for him to vocalize. Azren merely pushes himself off of the floor and takes a few steps back, now glaring at the hammock with utter disgust. The look of disgust quickly dissipates as a more calm, but still eager expression forms on his features. Round two. This time, with a much more careful approach, Azren attempts to climb onto the hammock. For several moments, it seems like he has his balance and its all going well, gripping on tightly to the edges to steady himself. But one wrong movement and he is easily flipped right over again, landing though this time on his back. Thankfully, somehow, he managed to avoid having his bag topple down on his face. How did an inanimate object understand how these 'beds' worked better than he did? "...Nope." Is all Azren manages out while running a hand up his face, pushing several of the knotted locks of hair back from his face before scooting around under the hammock he had chosen. He doesn't seem to be getting up this time, in fact, he just lays there face first on the wooden floor with a soft groan of defeat. He slowly closes his eyes, exhaling carefully. Even in here, he could still smell the salty water. It was so close, yet so far. At least now the sound of the roaring waters had died down in his ears. But the once cool, relaxed feeling he felt over his skin was gone. It had been replaced by a slight, rather uncomfortable itch that he was refusing to scratch. Another groan escapes Azren as he lightly rubs his now somewhat sore face against the floor under his hammock.