[b]Vanguar[/b] [hider=Nation Status]Current Leader/Government: High Chief Skar Bloodwroth Settlements Owned: 4 Provinces Owned: 1 Population: 100 000 Standing Army: - /<900 Orcs>// - /<1, 500 Orcs>// - /<1000 Orcs>// - /<500 Orcs>// Population Happiness: 45% Imports: Exports: Iron, Spice Wealth: Poor Alliances: None Trade Pacts: None Cease Fires: None [/hider] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/afCpo0d.png[/img][/hider] [center][img]http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj159/dorkknight23/Advanced%20Dorks%20and%20Deconstruction/OrcFight.jpg[/img] [i]Amplesh Orcs skirmish with the Vanguard[/i] [b]The High Chief Ensnared[/b][/center] In the aftermath of the defeat of Skar in what has become known as the Battle of the Blood Fork, the Vanguar High Chief has suffered a route southward near the border. Pursued by a great force of Amplesh Orcs, Skar's army has taken refuge upon a defensible hill in southern Amplesh. The coastal Orcs have surrounded the encampment of the High Chief and left him trapped, unable to resupply or retreat. Thus far a major battle has yet to take place, and only small skirmishes have been reported, with Amplesh forces testing the defences of the Vanguar Clans. With Skar surrounded and his home descending into civil war, it seems only a matter of time before the conquest of Amplesh comes to a bitter end. No doubt Skar is anxious for reinforcements from the clans, likely unaware of what has befallen his home. [center][b]The Vanguar Civil War[/b][/center] The Clans Wycke and Dunland have called a war to overthrow High Chief Skar and his Bloodwroth kin from rule over Vanguar. General Scythe, son of Skar, leads loyalist forces from the capital and has called all remaining warriors of the Crag to report to Grimmhold to defend the fortress against the traitorous dogs of Wycke and Dunland. Stryke has also sent Band-Master Haskeer as his emissary into the Shale, to raise an army in defence of the realm. Meanwhile, Band-Master Jup, son of Harrow, has been dispatched to Mordun in order to entreat with his father, the Chief, and raise an army to aid in the defence of Grimmhold. Time is certainly against the Skar loyalists as rebel armies have already been formed and march against the High Chief's forces. The restlessness of the Orcs is well known throughout the land and the fact that Vanguar is descending into chaos is of little surprise to outside observers.