[centre] Nathimys walked by a tree, his hands running over its smooth bark. All of a sudden, there was a tiny, insignificant bump in the pattern of the smooth log. Immeadiately, he turned around, feeling for the bump. [i]There it is..[/i] he thought, passing it again. [i]Annd.. now.[/i] He stopped his hand, pressing on the bump. His finger felt a hole in the bump. Taking out a lockpick, he gently tried the strange lock until the final pin clicked, opening a door in the tree that swung out to reveal.... At that moment, a blue light enveloped him, teleporting him miles away from where he was to spawn. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Nathimys asked, kicking the nearest rock with such force he made his HP drop from the impact. It was an insignificant amount, but pushed him further into his bad mood. Nathimys opened his inventory. [i]The lock pick too?![/i] At that moment, a mirror appeared in his inventory. He ignored it for about a minute, looking at boar tusks and looking for other loot in his pack. It selected itself, bathing him in a blue light as the mirror dropped to the ground. He looked in someone else's mirror, seeing his own face reflected. His face from the real world. "I swear, if rage meant power, I could easily move a mountain at this rate...." ---- [i] [b]One month later, Outskirts Of Dire Mountain. [/b] [/i] Nathimys walked through the forested area, running his hand over every tree, feeling for bumps. [i] I don't even have a lock pick, am I just assuming I'm going to feel a lockpick in the middle of no-[/i] He stopped as his fingers hit a cold, metallic object. His lock pick. He tried to pick the lock, but none of the pins clicked. "I was a level one with a 30 lock pick skill last time I tried this..." He gave up, frustratedly pulling out the lock pick and shoving it in a belt pouch. He redoubled his efforts of trampling every blade of grass he saw. Nathimys saw a red cap poking out from the grass, speckled with white dots. "I swear, if this game is not serious, right now.." He said, sprinting towards it. A week ago, he had heard a rumour from an npc telling him about a rare mushroom, which always dropped..[/i] "AH-HAH!" Nathimys yelled in triumph as he quickly pulled out his blade, leaping forwards and stabbing the mushroom through the top down. "Loot gained: Forest spores (8), 100 Col, [i]Mushroom hat.[/i] was written in orange. [i] ...A mushroom hat. [/i] Nathimys ran out of the forest, yelling his thanks to the imaginary gods and goddesses of luck in his new [url=http://c.shld.net/rpx/i/s/pi/mp/13782/1055883102?src=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.buycostumes.com%2Fmgen%2Fmerchandiser%2F61349.jpg&d=d38eb1c80f75838b7a4bd5bc319b6d57b6890e76] Mushroom Hat. [/url] He saw an irregularly collosal monster being beheaded only 100 metres away but didn't care, he was too busy running around whooping with his arms in the air. [i]A man can go truly insane, after little pressure at all..[/i] [/centre]