The gambler shaved. He had tried growing a beard, once, but quickly realized this was the wrong part of the world for it. Too hot, too gritty, too bright. And so every morning it was a precise shave, a few splashes of cold water, a dab of bay rum. It had become a ritual, really, unchanged by geography. What even was this town? Fort Hadly? Probably. It had been very late when he arrived, and he had gone straight to bed. A rented bed in the back of the general store, of course. He hadn't wanted to risk the hotel, as he likely would not have been allowed a room. Sammy Lin shrugged, rubbed a hand across his face. Smooth. Perfect. The way he liked it. He began to pull on his white suit. Lin knew these country people. A Chinese in an expensive suit, shuffling a deck of cards- just asking for trouble. Someone would want a game, and that person would underestimate him. They always did. Of course, there was always the possibility they might just try to rob him. And so he carefully tucked the long dagger into his boot. He took care to leave the general store out the back door. The proprietor had been kind enough to let him stay there, no sense embarrassing the man by appearing with him in public. Sammy Lin took a moment to acquaint himself, then walked into the saloon. And so the gambler took a seat towards the back, white suit there to catch the eye. He slowly shuffled a deck of cards and waited for a challenge.