Alekzander smiled as he saw Shae walk her way into the gathering area. It made him really happy to see her again, all healthy. Her accident had been a nasty one, indeed. And while it was, in fact, her fault for misjudging the distance of her jump- at least that's what he believed she said, Alekzander would not start criticizing the lass. She had just gotten her ankle healed up, no need to break her heart shortly after the repair. Besides, by the way Shae carried herself around the Thieves, Alekzander could definitely tell that she knew she screwed up. Alekzander reached a hand over to Shae and patted the poor girl's shoulder. "Welcome back, lass. We all missed you, dearly. And now, you're back," he said, flashing his trademark smile. After that, he brushed some hair out if his face and said, "Don't worry about the job. None of us could have escaped, or probably even gotten as far as you did. The worst of it happens to the best of us, even I." Alekzander smirked and scoffed as he took his turn, turning over the card he needed in Robb's and his card came. "Perfect 21, lad. You know you lost." Alekzander would then put the cards up and sit in a different position. "Speaking of failure, I'm going to tell you all a story. So, this was back when Roc was training me for the Guild. One day, Roc was training me free running as part of an escape lesson. Well, on this particular day, I was attempting to jump off of a wall and grab onto a ledge. So, the old man and I are out here, and I'm trying to get this down. On one such attempt, my foot slips from the wall on the beginning part, and I ran straight into the wall, my face getting the worst of it. I broke my nose with that lesson, was all bruised and cut, and was half-conscious. Roc, that old codger, he laughed for days on end at me. Every day I showed my face, he would laugh." Alekzander laughed himself as he remembered how it felt. "It hurt for a long time. Moral of the story...look out for walls." After a good chuckle, he would say, "But seriously. The worst happens to the best of us, sometimes. Now, enough storytime. Anyways, we have a few missions on the board up there. There's a robbery, and a jailbreak job. More will be coming soon, so don't fret. In the meantime, we can just sit around and be merry." With that, Alekzander stood and walked over to the small bar place, where the barmaid, Sylverianne, was working. Sylverianne smiled and leaned forwards and exchanged murmurs to each other, Sylverianne. giggling occasionally. Sylverianne would go into the back room for a minute, before coming back out, with no obvious change, followed by more murmurs.